Freelance design thoroughly revised! - page 3


Hello, I have had prospective clients confused about how to proceed and I wasn't able to advise them because I don't see what they see.

So I opened a fake job to find out.

When I had some applicants, I saw this...


As you see, very little information about the applicants. Whatis the % to the right of the projects? I've no idea.

Arbitration is meaningless - what does %/% mean?


This is what the customer sees in the comments window. When he clicks on "To Selected", the progess window pops up on the right.


then the specifications can be attached and so continue through the process.


Hope that this may be useful to some.


Keith Watford:

Hello, I have had prospective clients confused about how to proceed and I wasn't able to advise them because I don't see what they see.

So I opened a fake job to find out.

When I had some applicants, I saw this...

As you see, very little information about the applicants. Whatis the % to the right of the projects? I've no idea.

Arbitration is meaningless - what does %/% mean?

This is what the customer sees in the comments window. When he clicks on "To Selected", the progess window pops up on the right.

then the specifications can be attached and so continue through the process.

Hope that this may be useful to some.



However, the old style is the best .. the current style sounds to me that they updated from v2.0 to v1.0 not from v1.0 to v2.0

Keith Watford:

Hello, I have had prospective clients confused about how to proceed and I wasn't able to advise them because I don't see what they see.

So I opened a fake job to find out.

When I had some applicants, I saw this...

As you see, very little information about the applicants. Whatis the % to the right of the projects? I've no idea.

Arbitration is meaningless - what does %/% mean?

This is what the customer sees in the comments window. When he clicks on "To Selected", the progess window pops up on the right.

then the specifications can be attached and so continue through the process.

Hope that this may be useful to some.


Thnx Keith, I was the second developer in this test )) Thnx now I can see what is on the Dark Side of Force))))

Take care! 

Keith Watford:

As you see, very little information about the applicants. Whatis the % to the right of the projects? I've no idea.

Arbitration is meaningless - what does %/% mean?

Hover your mouse cursor over these values for more details

Keith Watford:

Hello, I have had prospective clients confused about how to proceed and I wasn't able to advise them because I don't see what they see.

So I opened a fake job to find out.

When I had some applicants, I saw this...

As you see, very little information about the applicants. Whatis the % to the right of the projects? I've no idea.

Arbitration is meaningless - what does %/% mean?

Green : in favor of the developer, Red in favor of the customer.

Well, I still think that the arbitration stats can be unfair. The only stats that are relevant are how many have been decided in the customers favour.

I am reluctant to go to arbitration when a customer doesn't respond or keeps asking for modifications when the project has been coded exactly as stated in the Specifications. Even if I win, it would still look bad for me!

Same with the overdue stats. They are almost certainly down to delays by the customer.

I had one a little time back. I sent the EA, he replied it doesn't work. I  gave him the usual replies, look in the experts tab etc, but I could not get a reponse at all. Eventually he did respond, but the job was well overdue. I asked if he could extend the time as he had the EA within 6 hours of accepting the job. Again, no response, he completed the process without extending the time. So yet another one that shows as overdue when the delay was down to the customer. He never told me why he claimed that the EA wasn't working, but it was and there were never any modifications necessary from the one that I sent him. 


Look at how confusing it is to everybody.

If you ignore these signals, you will pay the price.


Can anyone else please confirm........

In the very small discussion window, especially when it is a long discussion I find it impossible to scroll back using my mouse wheel as it keeps dropping back to recent messages.

Using the slider on the right is a nightmare! Slide it to the top and it sits there, but you are not at the beginning of the discussion. Scroll it up a bit more and the slider drops and gets smaller. Then repeat the process umpteen times! It was so much better when we could simply click on the first page.

My customers have told me that they really dislike this new format.

Metaquotes this update was a big big mistake. Please swallow any pride and revert back to the old style. There is a saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".

The only good thing is the ability for the customer to increase the time and price. Please keep that.

Does anybody actually have anything good to say about this re-design?

I have notified that scrollbar issue to service desk some time ago and they claim it to be solved.
Marco vd Heijden:
I have notified that scrollbar issue to service desk some time ago and they claim it to be solved.

I have done the same but from over than a month with nothing, they said "we will not return to the old mode!"

and I noticed that no access to freelance comments from the mobile ..