Freelance design thoroughly revised! - page 5

prefer old one
Keith Watford:

Considering that it has been quite some time since Freelance was re-vamped, isn't it about time that the video

Watch how to order a trading robot

was updated to show how to use the new format?

It is now over 18 months since the change in the Freelance process.

Still the video has not been updated.

It is annoying the amount of time I have to waste guiding people through the process.

Metaquotes, please give clear and comprehensive instructions for people to place a job in Freelance.

AND either update or remove that obsolete video.

While you are at it please stop giving people 20 ratings points just for posting a job. Give them points for jobs that actually complete. There are so many fake jobs just to get the ratings increase.


Handover and payment

The Customer has accepted the Demonstration. Now, the Developer is to deliver the final result.

After accepting the work, the payment (minus commission) is automatically transferred from the Customer's account. The Order is automatically considered complete, unless the Customer provides a response to the submitted work within a week.  (dated 19th November)

What is the point of this? Despite many requests from me to move the job on I have had no response at all from the customer.

I see by other posts in the forum that this is a common problem.

It doesn't matter to the customer as the money will remain locked in his/her account but we developers want to be paid for work that we have done.

Metaquotes need to add some sort of autcomplete for jobs like this.

Looks like I have no choice but to request arbitration, something that I don't like to do as it shows in my statistics and can look bad even though I am not in any way at fault.

Keith Watford:

Handover and payment

The Customer has accepted the Demonstration. Now, the Developer is to deliver the final result.

After accepting the work, the payment (minus commission) is automatically transferred from the Customer's account. The Order is automatically considered complete, unless the Customer provides a response to the submitted work within a week.  (dated 19th November)

What is the point of this? Despite many requests from me to move the job on I have had no response at all from the customer.

I see by other posts in the forum that this is a common problem.

It doesn't matter to the customer as the money will remain locked in his/her account but we developers want to be paid for work that we have done.

Metaquotes need to add some sort of autcomplete for jobs like this.

Looks like I have no choice but to request arbitration, something that I don't like to do as it shows in my statistics and can look bad even though I am not in any way at fault.

When you will request arbitration with a customer not answering, it will not help. The "arbitration" will result in "Waiting customer answer"...when the problem is the customer is not answering...loool

I have a job waiting for 3 months, fortunately it's not a big amount.

to be fair for both sides, every arbitration that requires feedback shall have timeout.

Unless it is intended for the benefit of the real fund holder to keep the fund locked ;)
(IMHO, it is so obvious even to a child)
Keith Watford:

Handover and payment

The Customer has accepted the Demonstration. Now, the Developer is to deliver the final result.

After accepting the work, the payment (minus commission) is automatically transferred from the Customer's account. The Order is automatically considered complete, unless the Customer provides a response to the submitted work within a week.  (dated 19th November)

What is the point of this? Despite many requests from me to move the job on I have had no response at all from the customer.

I see by other posts in the forum that this is a common problem.

It doesn't matter to the customer as the money will remain locked in his/her account but we developers want to be paid for work that we have done.

Metaquotes need to add some sort of autcomplete for jobs like this.

Looks like I have no choice but to request arbitration, something that I don't like to do as it shows in my statistics and can look bad even though I am not in any way at fault.

It did not autotransfer to you in 7 days ??

Lorentzos Roussos:

It did not autotransfer to you in 7 days ??

No, I got that message on the 19th November and there was no auto-complete after 7 days.

I have requested arbitration, so will see how that works out.

Keith Watford:

No, I got that message on the 19th November and there was no auto-complete after 7 days.

I have requested arbitration, so will see how that works out.

Damn , i thought it was valid , i used to feel safe once arriving at that stage and did not push for closure . Guess i were lucky..

Hope its resolved for you
Keith Watford:

Considering that it has been quite some time since Freelance was re-vamped, isn't it about time that the video

Watch how to order a trading robot

was updated to show how to use the new format?

Keith Watford:

It is now over 18 months since the change in the Freelance process.

Still the video has not been updated.

It is annoying the amount of time I have to waste guiding people through the process.

Metaquotes, please give clear and comprehensive instructions for people to place a job in Freelance.

AND either update or remove that obsolete video.

While you are at it please stop giving people 20 ratings points just for posting a job. Give them points for jobs that actually complete. There are so many fake jobs just to get the ratings increase.

Now 2 years on and the old video has still not been updated!

And typing into the miniscule chat window is still a nightmare.

Keith Watford:

Now 2 years on and the old video has still not been updated!

And typing into the miniscule chat window is still a nightmare.

Expand it.