Return Standard Deviation of ATR?


I want to return the standard deviation of the ATR over a given period. 

Trying to do this, but it isn't working.

double my_ATR = iATR(NULL, 0, my_ATR_period, 0); 
double my_ATR_stddev = iStdDevOnArray(my_ATR, 0, my_ATR_period, 0, 0, 0);

Any Ideas?

Any Ideas?

See if setting the number of elements to non-zero helps.

double  iStdDevOnArray(
   double       array[],          // array with data
   int          total,            // number of elements
   int          ma_period,        // MA averaging period
   int          ma_shift,         // MA shift
   int          ma_method,        // MA averaging method
   int          shift             // shift
Kila Akil: Trying to do this, but it isn't working.

Don't post code what won't even compile. Obviously the first argument must be an array. So get an array of values.


Don't post code what won't even compile. Obviously the first argument must be an array. So get an array of values.


How do I create an array that contains ATR values for the last x candles? (Array must update with each new bar). 

i.e when a new bar is formed, the least-recent element of the array is dropped, all elements are then shifted back an index, and then a new ATR value is added as the final element.


original array = a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j

**new bar forms**

updated array = b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k

**new bar forms**

updated array = c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l


No dropping, no shifting, no thinking. Just fill the array each time you need it.
No dropping, no shifting, no thinking. Just fill the array each time you need it.

Have I done this correctly?

int ATRPeriod = 10;
double ATR_Array[];

double AverageTrueRange = iATR(NULL, 0, ATRPeriod, 0);
//Creating the ATR
int Array_Size = ArraySize(ATRPeriod);
//Defining the variable to set the ATR array size      

ArrayResize(ATR_Array, size+1);
//Add an element to the array for a new value
ATR_Array[size] = AverageTrueRange; 
//Add the ATR value to the new element of the Array
ArraySetAsSeries(ATR_Array, True);
//Reverse the Array
double ATR_StdDev = iStdDevOnArray(ATR_Array, ATRPeriod, ATRPeriod , 0, 0, 0);
//Calculate the standard deviation of the 10 most recent elements
ArraySetAsSeries(ATR_Array, False);
//Reset the order of the Array
Kila Akil:

Have I done this correctly?

No, not really.

Try something like this:

   const int ATR_PERIOD = 10;              // averaging period
   const int STDEV_MA_PERIOD = 10;
   const int NUM_VALUES_TO_FILL = 100;    // How many ATR values I want to put in my array
   double ATR_Array[];
   // Size the array
   ArrayResize(ATR_Array, NUM_VALUES_TO_FILL);
   // Loop over how many values to fill the array
   for(int i = 0; i<NUM_VALUES_TO_FILL; i++)
      // Fills each ATR value
      ATR_Array[i] = iATR(NULL, 0, ATR_PERIOD, i);
      Print(StringFormat("iATR for [%d] is [%.4f]", i, ATR_Array[i]));
   // StDev is as StDev does.
   double ATR_StdDev = iStdDevOnArray(ATR_Array, NUM_VALUES_TO_FILL, STDEV_MA_PERIOD, 0, 0, 0);
   Print(StringFormat("StDev is [%.4f]", ATR_StdDev));