Automatic Convert from excle to MQL4 / MQL5


If someone can help me

I want to do a program (convert editor) where I can write in excel language program  and have the ability to do the conversion to MQL4 / MQL5 automatically and thus have a robot ready to work in MQL4 / MQL5 doing automated transactions.


  1. Help you with what? You haven't stated a problem. Show us your attempt (using CODE button) and state the nature of your problem.
              No free help
              urgent help.

  2. What you want to do is save the Excel as a CSV file and have the EA read it, and operate on it.


我想做一个程序(转换编辑器),我可以在excel语言程序中编写程序,并且能够自动转换为MQL4 / MQL5,从而使机器人可以在MQL4 / MQL5中进行自动事务处理。


Ooi Weird:
  1. English only on this forum.
  2. Why post OP's question? We already read it. If you have nothing to answer, don't waste our time with your post.