50k dollars a month - page 37


@Felipe Ponce Aragon

You make the classic mistake of trying to re-invent the wheel.

It's not necessary, you can use proven principles.

It has all been done before. 

If you implement what they used in an exact manner, and they made 50k,

Then there exists a mathematical certainty that you will also make 50k.

Why does nobody seem to understand this ?

Why do you think you have to develop something ?

Why do you not look at what has already been done ?

Can you elaborate on this because im very curious to understand this.

I'll mention 3 experiences where I tried to do it and failed:

1. I have purchased many EAs from the market, downloaded many from codebase and forums, trying to find an established way that has made 50k, and haven't found it. The result is obvious, they're not profitable, or thw profitable ones are super low frequency trading that profit is too small.

2. I took a course by people who claimed to be very profitable traders...  the teachers lost their money. Me, only a little, mostly demo. I found that many algorithms shared, even not free, are really bad.

3. And many other attempts: signal services, the Elliott Wave book, the Elliott Waves paid service... The result is always a loss. The best signals in the long term lost everything.

So the reason why I can't follow their methods is because I haven't found them...

But did you really look for them ?

You can neglect market because these things do (usually) not come with a proven track record.

Courses do neither...

In signal services you can also not verify the (exactness) of the strategy used.

These are 3 reasons why none of your actions could or should work..

I can tell you this, if something really works, it will leave a decent trail.

Maybe you need to look in a different place, or a bit harder, or further away, or deeper into the past.

I always tend to believe that the crap resides on the surface.

Marco vd Heijden:

But did you really look for them ?

You can neglect market because these things do (usually) not come with a proven track record.

Courses do neither...

In signal services you can also not verify the (exactness) of the strategy used.

These are 3 reasons why none of your actions could or should work..

I can tell you this, if something really works, it will leave a decent trail.

Maybe you need to look in a different place, or a bit harder, or further away, or deeper into the past.

I always tend to believe that the crap resides on the surface.

I believe the same. I've been looking for the past 4 years, the last one with less time, but of course, trying to find it. By now I think it may be faster to develop my own, but I'll keep looking for while I develop my own : )

Most people that try to develop their own fail miserably.

This might be because it's an exact science, and if you are off by just a slight bit, the thing stops working.

These things were made with hard, hard work with pencils and paper, when there were no computers around...

These developers have been long gone, but for example, the moon cycle hasn't changed a bit since.

The weird part is that you talk as if you could possible influence it when it is called 'climate change'.

I'd say it would be easier for you to find their work by searching for it, then to try and stumble upon their strategy by trial & error.

Indanguang Samrow Panmei:

referring to ''recent'' past entries help like you see my entry on 25th feb was too early.I managed to snatch small profits from possible loss.But my entry on 27th feb was okay.similarly entries were missed like on 15th feb and 7th march.Then you look back again what were the reasons.so on like that.thats my way of correcting my entries! yah profits are important so long as you take care of your trades ;D

Big news do impact but i hardly bothered to trade in small TF lesser than 1Hr. i feel not so much impact by bank news,financial news when trades in higher TF.Only the catastrophic news is dangerous for

obvious reasons there may not even be traders around. seriously ;D

And I love to trade on the news, this is the best time for a big profit. Don't you think so?
Felipe Ponce Aragon:

After this nice thread started, I didn't actually improve. 

Now I'm trying to develop my own algorithm and the process is being slow… meanwhile, poverty and climate change are growing and threaten our civilization...

After a few years I only started to improve many months ago and I was developing my own after losing twice with strategies from 2015/2016

This is my honest experience and I have great confidence today than before starting this thread

I won’t even ask now if there are successful traders because I know there exists 
These american idiot 22 year olds on the debt system are trading with money they don't have and using 500:1 leverage. So it's possible with degeneracy and law. This is not allowed in the EU jurisdiction.