Bank Manipulation....What's your opinion?


Hey guys i'm new to forex but i've been studying strategies based of bank manipulation, that I found from a site called "Day Trading Forex Live".  They talk about how you should trade along with the major banks strategy based upon the belief that it's their market and they control it.  They also say that normal trend following is not the way to go.

Have you heard of this, and what is your opinion about it?


Just a remainder about the rules of this forum :

2. Negative discussions of any banking, brokerage and other financial institutions are not allowed.

In no way am I speaking negative of anyone or anything.  I'm simply talking about specific "high quantity players" being able to affect the market.  I mean when the majority of the market starts buying it makes the price go up right?  Well that doesn't mean i'm speaking negatively about the buyers.  If nothing else i'm talking about trading with the "players", so I'm actually thinking about them in a positive manner.


In no way am I speaking negative of anyone or anything.  I'm simply talking about specific "high quantity players" being able to affect the market.  I mean when the majority of the market starts buying it makes the price go up right?  Well that doesn't mean i'm speaking negatively about the buyers.  If nothing else i'm talking about trading with the "players", so I'm actually thinking about them in a positive manner.

There is no problem then, it was just a remainder to avoid a slipping of the discussion.
cool then