MQL5 CryptEncode decode in PHP : Possible ?



Is it possible to encrypt a string in mt5 and send it to a php script to use it after decoded the encrypted string ?




Is it possible to encrypt a string in mt5 and send it to a php script to use it after decoded the encrypted string ?


Yes it is.

Thank you.

Do you have an url to example because i can't find. merci


Hi everyone. 
I am trying to achieve the above also

First of all please excuse my ignorance on the encryption subject. 
I am learning on it.

If you feel this requires a freelance job instead I understand.

I wrote this mql5 code where you specify   
-A secret key
- A word/sentence to encrypt
- The Encryption method (default base_64)

It comments and also Prints  the Encoded version in Hex ,and Decodes it also.

 input string Secret_Key="WHITEFOX";
input string Word_To_Encrypt="The brown bear runs";
input ENUM_CRYPT_METHOD EncryptionMethod=CRYPT_BASE64;
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
       uchar key[];  
       uchar dataencrypted[];         
       char   data[];  // pre-encrypted data
       string encryptedword;
       string decodedword;

	//Maybe I need to change to  		       
      // StringToCharArray(Secret_Key,key,0,StringLen(Secret_Key));   
      // StringToCharArray(Word_To_Encrypt,data,StringLen(Word_To_Encrypt));    

        //Encrypt data
       int encryptres=CryptEncode(EncryptionMethod,data,key,dataencrypted); 
            //--- print encrypted data 
            PrintFormat("Encrypted data: size=%d %s",encryptres,encryptedword); 
            char   dataclean[];  // pre-encrypted data
            int  res=CryptDecode(EncryptionMethod,dataencrypted,key,dataclean); 
                  //--- print decoded data 
                  PrintFormat("Decoded data: size=%d, string='%s'",ArraySize(dataclean),CharArrayToString(dataclean)); 
                  Print("Error in CryptDecode. Error code=",GetLastError());  
               Print("Error in CryptEncode. Error code=",GetLastError()); 
       Comment("Encrypted: " + encryptedword + "\n" + "Decrypted: " + decodedword);
//|                                                                  |
string ArrayToHex(uchar &arr[],int count=-1)
   string res="";
//--- check
   if(count<0 || count>ArraySize(arr))
//--- transform to HEX string
   for(int i=0; i<count; i++)

What I am trying to do now is take that encrypted word "5647686C49474A796233647549474A6C59584967636E56756377413D"  and decode it in PHP .
I am unable to find PHP a code that achieves that .Here is one thing I tried (I did source the internet and use also chat gpt) and I have been unsuccessful.  

// Specify the secret key used in MQL5
$secret_key = "WHITEFOX";

// Specify the encrypted data in hexadecimal string format
$hex_encoded_data = "5647686C49474A796233647549474A6C59584967636E56756377413D";

// Convert the hexadecimal string to binary
$binary_data = hex2bin($hex_encoded_data);

// Get the initialization vector (IV) size based on the encryption algorithm
$iv_size = openssl_cipher_iv_length("aes-128-ecb");

// Extract the IV from the binary data
$iv = substr($binary_data, 0, $iv_size);

// Extract the encrypted data (excluding the IV)
$encrypted_data = substr($binary_data, $iv_size);

// Decrypt the data using the specified secret key and IV
$decrypted_data = openssl_decrypt($encrypted_data, "aes-128-ecb", $secret_key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $iv);

// Remove padding (if applied during encryption)
$decrypted_data = rtrim($decrypted_data, "\0");

// Display the decrypted data
echo "Decrypted Data: " . $decrypted_data;

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

CryptEncode / CryptDecode / BCrypt implementations in other programming languages

Marcin Madrzak, 2023.09.10 16:52

Here is the equivalent in PHP

// Define plaintext, keystring and keyhex
$plaintext = 'Mother Tell Your Children Not To Walk My Way';
$keystring = 'thisisyoursecretkeydonttellnoone';
$keyhex = bin2hex($keystring);

echo "<pre>";

// Dump variables for debugging purposes

echo "1. Encrypt string and output the result as HEX\n";
$encrypted = CryptMQL($plaintext, $keystring, true, false, true);

echo "2. Decrypt HEX input\n";
$decrypted = CryptMQL($encrypted, $keystring, false, false, true);

echo "3. Encrypt string and output the result as Base64\n";
$encrypted = CryptMQL($plaintext, $keystring, true, false, false);

echo "4. Decrypt Base64 input\n";
$decrypted = CryptMQL($encrypted, $keystring, false, false, false);

echo "5. Encrypt using HEX key\n";
$encrypted = CryptMQL($plaintext, $keyhex, true, true, true);

echo "6. Decrypt using HEX key\n";
$decrypted = CryptMQL($encrypted, $keyhex, false, true, true);

echo "</pre>";

// Function to encrypt or decrypt data based on parameters
function CryptMQL($data, $key, $encrypt = true, $keyIsHex = true, $encryptedIsHex = true)
    // Convert key from HEX to binary if needed
    $key = $keyIsHex ? hex2bin($key) : $key;
    if ($encrypt) {
        // Pad data with zeros before encryption
        $data = padUnpadZero($data);
        // Encrypt data using AES-256-ECB and zero padding
        $result = openssl_encrypt($data, "AES-256-ECB", $key, OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING);
        // Convert result to HEX if needed
        $result = $encryptedIsHex ? strtoupper(bin2hex(base64_decode($result))) : $result;

    } else {
        // Convert data from HEX to binary if needed
        $data = $encryptedIsHex ? base64_encode(hex2bin(strtolower($data))) : $data;
        // Decrypt data using AES-256-ECB and zero padding
        $result = openssl_decrypt($data, "AES-256-ECB", $key, OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING);
        // Unpad data after decryption
        $result = padUnpadZero($result, false);
    return $result;

// Function to pad or unpad data with zeros
function padUnpadZero($data, $pad = true, $blocksize = 16)
    if ($pad) {
        // Calculate number of zeros needed for padding
        $pad = $blocksize - (strlen($data) % $blocksize);
        // Add zeros to the end of data
        return $data . str_repeat("\0", $pad);
    } else {
        // Remove zeros from the end of data
        return rtrim($data, "\0");

// Function to dump variable for debugging purposes
function dump($var)
    $backtrace = debug_backtrace();
    $file = file($backtrace[0]['file']);
    $line = $file[$backtrace[0]['line'] - 1];
    preg_match("#\\$(\w+)#", $line, $match);

    echo "<pre>";
    echo "$match[1]: ";
    echo "</pre>";
Fernando Carreiro #:
That's amazing. Thank you so much. 
Fernando Carreiro #:

I am very grateful! Thank you!

Michalis Phylactou #: That's amazing. Thank you so much. 
Markus Robertson #: I am very grateful! Thank you!
Thanks should go to Marcin Madrzak, not me!