typename in class templates - can the type be recognized inside a class?


When using class templates, is it possible to know in the class which typename is the actual typename used?

For instance:

<typename T>
class ArraySort {.. is it possible  to know here what is T? }

The reason for asking, is for using the Save() or Load() methods, they have different FileWrite/FileRead functions for different types.

Amir Yacoby: is it possible  to know here what is T?

In C++ you would create partial template specializations to create different versions. MTx doesn't have that. So no, you don't know what T is.

Instead create specific overloaded functions, e.g. write(int i) write(double d) write(structM m) etc. Or assume that T can write itself.


In C++ you would create partial template specializations to create different versions. MTx doesn't have that. So no, you don't know what T is.

Instead create specific overloaded functions, e.g. write(int i) write(double d) write(structM m) etc. Or assume that T can write itself.

Assuming that T can write itself, it's valid in objects. For primitive types (int, double..) there's a need to find other options.

The first idea, using specific overloaded functions, seems right for that. If T is primitive, and you have this set of overloaded funtions, you can pass a T to one of them - it should work, right? This is what you mean? (sorry, not able to try it myself soon).

Thank you, that was a useful answer 
Amir Yacoby:

When using class templates, is it possible to know in the class which typename is the actual typename used?

For instance:

<typename T>
class ArraySort {.. is it possible  to know here what is T? }

The reason for asking, is for using the Save() or Load() methods, they have different FileWrite/FileRead functions for different types.


Amir Yacoby:
Assuming that T can write itself, it's valid in objects. For primitive types (int, double..) there's a need to find other options.

The first idea, using specific overloaded functions, seems right for that. If T is primitive, and you have this set of overloaded funtions, you can pass a T to one of them - it should work, right? This is what you mean? (sorry, not able to try it myself soon).

Thank you, that was a useful answer 
You can have a generic template AND specialized versions.
Alain Verleyen:
You can have a generic template AND specialized versions.

Yes, like whroeder1 suggested, inside the class template you can do spealizations.

<typename T>
class Sort
bool Save(const int handle,int type);
bool Save(const int handle,double type);
bool Save(const int handle,string type);
bool Save(const int handle);

bool Sort::Save(const int handle)
T type;
return Save(handle,type);
Amir Yacoby:

Yes, like whroeder1 suggested, inside the class template you can do spealizations.

No it's not what I mean. I was talking about function template.
Alain Verleyen:
No it's not what I mean. I was talking about function template.

I see. 
But I don't want to give up on the class template.

Amir Yacoby:

I see. 
But I don't want to give up on the class template.

Not needed, isn't this what you need ?

Alain Verleyen:

Not needed, isn't this what you need ?


I remembered something like this somewhere but couldn't find it in docs.
Now I looked again and don't understand how I missed it, it's right there (:

thank you