OrderCloseTime() question.


I'm testing and messing around with this function, I read even on the mql4 help window that if the order is pending or closed the value it will take is 0, but when I put an alert with that function it returns 1970.01.01 00:00:00.

//..Some coding to open an order...

//...Order select function and some other alerts...

Alert("Order Close Time is ", + OrderCloseTime());

It returns that value because the return on OrderCloseTime is datetime type and when is 0 it takes that form on the alerts or I have to type "1970.01.01 00:00:00" if I want to use and If function or something?

//Like this:

if (OrderCloseTime == 0)
//Some stuff

//Or I have to code it like this?

if (OrderCloseTime == 1970.01.01 00:00:00)

I'm testing and messing around with this function, I read even on the mql4 help window that if the order is pending or closed the value it will take is 0, but when I put an alert with that function it returns 1970.01.01 00:00:00.

It returns that value because the return on OrderCloseTime is datetime type and when is 0 it takes that form on the alerts or I have to type "1970.01.01 00:00:00" if I want to use and If function or something?

1970.01.01 00:00:00

is order expiry time for server setting , Ignore it .

in normal use, to check   a postion order    or   a  history  order .

Orderclosetime() !=0      it is  a history order.

if  it is a postion order and not a pending order,    orderclosetime() == 0 .

hope it can help u .

int orhito () { return OrdersHistoryTotal(); } // number of closed  orders
int orto () {   return OrdersTotal();        } // number of pending orders


bool nLossPerTime() { 

   datetime Ora=TimeCurrent();

   MqlDateTime strOra,strTrade;



   int lossOfToday=0;


   printf("%02d.%02d.%4d, day of year = %d",strOra.day,strOra.mon,


   printf("%02d.%02d.%4d, day of year = %d",strTrade.day,strTrade.mon,



     if (orhito() == 0) 

      return true;



           for ( int i = orhito(); i >= 0 ; i-- ) { 

             if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)) 

               if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() /*&& OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber*/)    {  //check only in closed trades

                   datetime Trade=OrderCloseTime(); 


                   if(strTrade.day_of_year < strOra.day_of_year) { return true; break; }                    

                     if(strTrade.day_of_year == strOra.day_of_year)  //if last order day number is = to now day number

                        if(OrderProfit() + OrderCommission() + OrderSwap() < 0) lossOfToday++; //if Order Profit is Negative Count +1           

                        if(lossOfToday >= maxNLossPerDay) { 

                           lossOfToday = 0; return false; break; } //if Max Loss Per Day Are Reached Inizialize Counter and return False           



           return true;


Fernando Jose Velasco Borea: if the order is pending or closed the value it will take is 0, but when I put an alert with that function it returns 1970.01.01 00:00:00.
  1. If the order is pending or open it returns zero. Zero is datetime 1970.

  2. Alert("Order Close Time is ", + OrderCloseTime());

    You can not use any Trade Functions until you first select an order.