Trailing Stops



To keep your MT 5 Pro Hedged platform competitive, you should update the Trailing Stop feature so it would allow the Trader to adjust the parameters of the Trailing Stop to activate once it has reached the predetermined level of the Trader.  I.E.  The Trader sets the Trailing Stop to begin trailing at 20 Pips or if you like 200 Points.  Then the Trader sets the Trailing Stop to trail for 5 Pips or if you like 50 Points.  Once those parameters have been set, and the Trailing Stop starts, the Trader will already be 15 Pips to the good, and if by chance the trade reverses at the time the Trailing Stop is activated, the Trader will still profit 15 pips.

As is the current Trailing Stop, once the Trader opens the trade, and sets the Trailing Stop, and the trade reverses from the level the trade was opened, without making substantial gains to activate the Trailing Stop, it will cause the trader to exit the trade at some sort of loss.  Instead, I implore you to please seriously consider this feature upgrade, because it will greatly benefit traders of all kinds, and increase your profit margin.

Thank You.