Is This The Longest Running Gap In Euro-Usd ? - page 2


PennySeven: Obviously I exclude week-end gaps, news gaps, Brexit type gaps and the Swiss currency situation gaps.

I am referring to gaps during normal trading. I have seen a few small ones over the last two years. They got filled quite quickly. 

Your data, do they include news gaps?

I trade only week-end gaps as you can see from the chart I placed on post #7 but there is theory and strategies out there for many types of gaps.
PennySeven: 22 JAN 2018 was a fat-finger gap in Asia. I remember that one. I´m not talking about that. That is an exceptional situation.

I´m talking normal trading gaps.

It does not matter what causes the gap! As long as the gap is formed on the week-open, I monitor it and trade it according to my strategy rules.
Fernando Carreiro:
I trade only week-end gaps as you can see from the chart I placed on post #7 but there is theory and strategies out there for many types of gaps.

But not for during normal trading in the EuroDollar, for example. 

I know about the strategies and theories for gaps when trading shares. They do not apply in EuroDollar trading. Things like run-away-gaps, etc. That is for share trading. 

That is my humble opinion. :-)


PennySeven: But not for during normal trading in the EuroDollar, for example.

I know about the strategies and theories for gaps when trading shares. They do not apply in EuroDollar trading. Things like run-away-gaps, etc. That is for share trading. 

That is my humble opinion. :-)

Obviously it is not the same as shares, but as I stated, there is gap theory for EUR/USD if you care to do the necessary research. There is theory and strategies for many types of gaps on currencies, be it on the week-open, day-open or during normal trading hours. As I already stated, do some research on it and you will find plenty of information on it!
Fernando Carreiro:
Obviously it is not the same as shares, but as I stated, there is gap theory for EUR/USD if you care to do the necessary research. There is theory and strategies for many types of gaps on currencies, be it on the week-open, day-open or during normal trading hours. As I already stated, do some research on it and you will find plenty of information on it!

Thank you. 

Imtiaz Ahmed:
anything similar happened before??

if a gap have to happen over the weekend will it be an upward gap or a down ward gap?

Chris Mukengeshayi: if a gap have to happen over the weekend will it be an upward gap or a down ward gap?

Both types are possible. See my chart in post #7.

Fernando Carreiro:

Yes, many times, but not necessarily always that big of a gap.

Here are some recent ones that I can remember but there are much more going back in time:

  • 59 pips on 2016-06-20
  • 82 pips on 2016-06-27
  • 74 pips on 2016-11-07
  • 52 pips on 2016-12-05
  • 192 pips on 2017-04-24
  • 52 pips on 2017-09-25
  • 54 pips on 2018-01-22

Here is a chart of weekly gaps:

Wow this is a very nice indicator you got, a gap could happen

Fernando Carreiro:

Both types are possible. See my chart in post #7.

I had first check the chart you had shared, I couldn't get it easily, until I check close and try to interpret what the indicator reflected for the past history then I understood that when the bar keep rising, chances are there could be a gap forming since the EUR is getting stronger and stronger it is likely. Tomorrow if Nonfarm Payrolls come very positive we could have a down gap on Monday, vice versa.

Thanks for your chart



A gap happens during the weekend. Nobody knows if it will be upward or downward. If you study the chart posted at post #7, you will find most of the times the gap fills. In other words whatever the gap, most of the time price reaches for the gap. Not all of the times, notice the big a$$ spike.