How To Delete or Hide DEFAULT Indicators


Hi All,

In MetaTrader there are several DEFAULT indicators, that were added along with installation of platform, that I would like to delete, particularly but not only Oscillators which I comment them as extremely unreliable. In one moment they show one trend direction - possibility to enter position. In another moment, they show something completely different. Some of indicators are simply too ''dynamic'' meaning what is shown won't last for larger time period. I know in advance that particular DEFAULT indicators won't be used by me. In menu Insert, submenu Indicators are few indicators very hard to ''look at'' because I know I won't use them. There are many indicators, including many custom ones (manually added by me - subject to be bought or hired by developer), that I want to remain with and would like to get rid of the ones I won't use.

If deleting is not possible, I wonder how could I at least ''hide'' them from Indicators submenu of Insert menu.

Want to avoid the charge of work having to pay the developer doing ''Default Indicator Removal Tool'' for me.. Obviously I would like to delete only very few of default indicators.

Kindly note that I already know how to delete custom indicators. I am asking strictly only for DEFAULT indicators. Its too hard to watch them in ''Indicators'' submenu.

Answer would be appreciated.

Marks123: In MetaTrader there are several DEFAULT indicators, that were added along with installation of platform, that I would like to delete, particularly but not only Oscillators which I comment them as extremely unreliable. In one moment they show one trend direction - possibility to enter position. In another moment, they show something completely different. Some of indicators are simply too ''dynamic'' meaning what is shown won't last for larger time period. I know in advance that particular DEFAULT indicators won't be used by me. In menu Insert, submenu Indicators are few indicators very hard to ''look at'' because I know I won't use them. There are many indicators, including many custom ones (manually added by me - subject to be bought or hired by developer), that I want to remain with and would like to get rid of the ones I won't use.

If deleting is not possible, I wonder how could I at least ''hide'' them from Indicators submenu of Insert menu.

Want to avoid the charge of work having to pay the developer doing ''Default Indicator Removal Tool'' for me.. Obviously I would like to delete only very few of default indicators.

Kindly note that I already know how to delete custom indicators. I am asking strictly only for DEFAULT indicators. Its too hard to watch them in ''Indicators'' submenu.

Answer would be appreciated.

You cannot delete nor hide, built-in indicators! Nor can you claim that they are "extremely unreliable" - you simple do not know how to use them properly!

Since ALL indicators are based on the price and/or volume, your statement would be equivalent to saying that the quote prices and volume are "extremely unreliable"!

An indicator is only as good as the trader that knows how how to apply it, configure it correctly, and interpret its data accordingly.

Instead of trying to delete or hide them, consider taking the time to research how they are calculated, how they function, how to configure them and the many and various ways that they can be interpreted and used in various trading setups.


Indicators are not "extremely unreliable." They take price, time, and volume and create a mathematical result. They are 100% correct at all times.

Wether the result is useful, is a different matter.

Fernando Carreiro:

You cannot delete nor hide, built-in indicators! Nor can you claim that they are "extremely unreliable" - you simple do not know how to use them properly!

Since ALL indicators are based on the price and/or volume, your statement would be equivalent to saying that the quote prices and volume are "extremely unreliable"!

An indicator is only as good as the trader that knows how how to apply it, configure it correctly, and interpret its data accordingly.

Instead of trying to delete or hide them, consider taking the time to research how they are calculated, how they function, how to configure them and the many and various ways that they can be interpreted and used in various trading setups.

You didn't understand the reason for my negative comment about some default indicators and/or I was the one who didn't accurately say my opinion. The problem with some default indicators (mostly, but not only, oscillators) is that shown result, e.g. direction and location of a curve, is changing too quickly. Once such indicator is showing opportunity to go into the long position, e.g. curve upward crossing boundary between lowest 25% area of indicator and second 25% of area. Few minutes later, it already changes its direction - it gets more flat instead of going upward. Result of this is having to worry whether opened Long position was correct or not. But surely I am not saying decision to open a trade would be based on one indicator only. As a term ''unreliable'' I only meant the result of indicator, based on which I decide whether or not to open a trade, could be changed too quickly. The tail (ending) of a curve, or even two tails if two curves, mostly cannot be used for larger time period. Those tails (most recent moment on curve) change their direction and angle too quickly. I like to stay in trading position for at least few days and not closing it after one or two hours.

Thank you for your answer - the begiining of first paragraph of your message. I was hoping the answer would be different so I could save some money when it comes to custom tool development cost, but better hearing/reading answer that makes me sad than not having an answer at all. So thanks again.