Maximum value from last x bars



this code is the sum of the differences, I need the maximum value found there...

Example: if Bars = 5
(In brackets is the sum)

Bar[5] +0.00010 

Bar[4] +0.00004 (+0.00014)  

Bar[3] +0.00010 (+0.00024)

Bar[2] -0.00010 (+0.00014)

Bar[1] -0.00010 (+0.00004)

Bar[0] -0.00010 (-0.00006)

I need value from Bar[3], so the maximum value from all sums...

Thank you very much for help and I wish nice day 

#property copyright "Copyright 2018, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |
int start()
   int CountedBars=101; 
   int k; 

   if(Bars<CountedBars) return(0); 
   double diff=0;
   // This returned sumary points from last 100 bars
   for(k=0; k<CountedBars; k++)
      diff += (iClose(Symbol(), NULL, k) - iOpen(Symbol(), NULL, k))  ;   
   // I need to get the maximum value out of it

   Comment("diff " + diff + "\n" );

microhydI need value from Bar[3], so the maximum value from all sums... Thank you very much for help
Help you with what? You haven't stated a problem. Show us your attempt (using SRC) and state the nature of your problem.
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Help you with what? You haven't stated a problem. Show us your attempt (using SRC) and state the nature of your problem.
          No free help
          urgent help.

Hello whroeder1, 

Thank for reply, my question is here :

my src code is functional, but we need to get the maximum value from it too ...

my code returns a sum, and for this I also need the highest value of these totals...

Please check screen 

Example: if Bars = 5
(In brackets is the sum)

Bar[5] +0.00010 

Bar[4] +0.00004 (+0.00014)  

Bar[3] +0.00010 (+0.00024)

Bar[2] -0.00010 (+0.00014)

Bar[1] -0.00010 (+0.00004)

Bar[0] -0.00010 (-0.00006)

I need value from Bar[3], so the maximum value from all sums...


my posted SRC code works fine, but only returns the current sum to bar[0]...

And i need maximum value from this code (from 5bars).

microhyd: Thank for reply, my question is here .. my code returns a sum, and for this I also need the highest value of these totals..

You said that in your original post, why say it again? What part of "You haven't stated a problem. Show us your attempt (using SRC) and state the nature of your problem" was unclear?


Hello whroeder1, 

Thank for reply, my question is here :

my src code is functional, but we need to get the maximum value from it too ...

my code returns a sum, and for this I also need the highest value of these totals...

Please check screen 

Example: if Bars = 5
(In brackets is the sum)

Bar[5] +0.00010 

Bar[4] +0.00004 (+0.00014)  

Bar[3] +0.00010 (+0.00024)

Bar[2] -0.00010 (+0.00014)

Bar[1] -0.00010 (+0.00004)

Bar[0] -0.00010 (-0.00006)

I need value from Bar[3], so the maximum value from all sums...

#property strict
void OnStart()
   double body[5];
   for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
      body[i] = fabs(Open[i] - Close[i]);
   printf("The maximum body size in the past 5 bars is %f",body[ArrayMaximum(body)]);

You said that in your original post, why say it again? What part of "You haven't stated a problem. Show us your attempt (using SRC) and state the nature of your problem" was unclear?

No, I do not understand.

I put the question and added the src code, I do not know what to say.

Thank you so, I've already found a solution.

We take the bar price [5], then I will find the maximum price, and I will determine the difference.


Hello nicholishen !

Yes! this is the answer for me! Thank you som much! :)