web TERMINAL trading real account

Hello everyone,

I can't trade in real with the web terminal platform, don't understand why i have money on my real account.
And when i tap my login it doesn't work

Someone can help me please ?

Did you place with Server field the server of the broker? Or ... may be - you confused between MT4 and MT5?

Anyway, you can write to the service desk asking them for advice for example.

What do you mean with your first sentence ? i m new on this website don't know what to put when asking me which server
Where do you find my login ? i can create new one right ?

I couldn't login into my real account either, I don't know if its a temporary problem or what.


I mean the following (webterminal is on this page):


So, if it does not work - write to the service desk for support (the link to the service desk is in your profile) - 

I have always authorization failed when i want to connect, someone can send me yours print screen to understand better ?
I have no suggestions for server : which broker i have to use ?
Martin Vanhove:
I have no suggestions for server : which broker i have to use ?

When you type the first letter of your broker, you should get the available servers.

I am getting: authorization failed, too though.

Eleni Anna Branou:

When you type the first letter of your broker, you should get the available servers.

I am getting: authorization failed, too though.

ok understood thanks, but do i have to instal a broker before or what ? what about the login and password you can imagine these right ?

You can use MetaQuotes-Demo if you want a practice account, otherwise you have to find a good broker and sign up with that.

It usually involves registering at their website,

Don't just pick one, do some real research because it is one of the most crucial elements.

Also some brokers run older server software that is incompatible with the web trader so you have to ask about it.

If you come across one of those i suggest you just skip them because they usually do not want to upgrade their system.

Look at things they offer, do they offer MT4 as well as MT5 this is a good sign check their spreads and swaps, commission, things like that.

How many instruments do they offer, what is the minimal limit for withdrawal, what are the extra costs if any for withdrawal.

How many payment methods do they support and etc.

How are they regulated ? 

The list goes on and on.....

Martin Vanhove:
ok understood thanks, but do i have to instal a broker before or what ? what about the login and password you can imagine these right ?

You have opened your real account already, right?

If not, you should open a real account first through a broker and then try to login in the web terminal.