Freelance service, Take part button has disappeared


Hello everyone,

Take part button suddenly has disappeared for no reason. My account is not blocked or banned, at least there is no notification or warning.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue? I noticed people continue to bid on newcoming projects. I tried different browsers and devices.

All is the same...

Georgiy Liashchenko:

Hello everyone,

Take part button suddenly has disappeared for no reason. My account is not blocked or banned, at least there is no notification or warning.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue? I noticed people continue to bid on newcoming projects. I tried different browsers and devices.

All is the same...

Try to logout and login again, it may be a glitch.

Mine (take part option) is there, so yours must be too.

Is this happening on a specific job or everywhere?
Eleni Anna Branou:

Try to logout and login again, it may be a glitch.

Mine (take part option) is there, so yours must be too.

Is this happening on a specific job or everywhere?

Tried already, it's on all the jobs. I know when you get banned, there is a big red notification and you cannot even control the funds. 

But here everything seems to be fine. Plus even on my phone it has disappeared as well. Service desk is offline till monday :(

Georgiy Liashchenko:

Tried already, it's on all the jobs. I know when you get banned, there is a big red notification and you cannot even control the funds. 

But here everything seems to be fine. Plus even on my phone it has disappeared as well. Service desk is offline till monday :(

I am not exactly sure ... but I think you were banned from Freelance.
If I am right so you should write to the service desk asking them to unban you from Freelance ...


I have tried to create a job, i received this

However i can post, reply in projects that i have already bid. And i dont have red restriction warning...

Sergey Golubev:

I am not exactly sure ... but I think you were banned from Freelance.
If I am right so you should write to the service desk asking them to unban you from Freelance ...

When i was banned, i couldnt perform any actions, now i can. I have no "you are banned warning" and etc. Service desk is closed till monday, i already wrote them. Finally, i wasnt breaking anyrules, i was just bidding projects for a past month without results.

Georgiy Liashchenko:

I have tried to create a job, i received this

However i can post, reply in projects that i have already bid. And i dont have red restriction warning...

I do not know (we are not moderating Freelance; admins from the service desk is moderating).
But as far as I know - the user can be banned from Freelance service if he uploaded decompile code or asked for decompillation as a customer, or he agreed to participate in the job with decompile code ...

I was banned once from the forum (few years ago, for one week) so I know what is happened when you are banned.
But I was never banned from Freelance so ... no idea ... you should write to the service desk anyway.

Sergey Golubev:

I do not know (we are not moderating Freelance; admins from the service desk is moderating).
But as far as I know - the user can be banned from Freelance service if he uploaded decompile code or asked for decompillation as a customer, or he agreed to participate in the job with decompile code ...

I was banned once from the forum (few years ago, for one week) so I know what is happened when you are banned.
But I was never banned from Freelance so ... no idea ... you should write to the service desk anyway.

I was banned once from freelance, because i have bid on project, where 1 of provided indicators was decompiled.

Project wasnt related to decompiling at all. That was a stupid case, now i check all files before bid :) so this case is totally different, and havent violated the rules.

Georgiy Liashchenko:

I was banned once from freelance, because i have bid on project, where 1 of provided indicators was decompiled.

Project wasnt related to decompiling at all. That was a stupid case, now i check all files before bid :) so this case is totally different, and havent violated the rules.

so write to the service desk

Georgiy Liashchenko:

I was banned once from freelance, because i have bid on project, where 1 of provided indicators was decompiled.

Project wasnt related to decompiling at all. That was a stupid case, now i check all files before bid :) so this case is totally different, and havent violated the rules.

How can you identify when a file has been de-compiled?

Yes, each one has applied to a job with attached a decompiled code or asking to decompile or asking to pay outside this website will be banned (or cannot see the apply button)