how to define a input in EA that has a menu of 1 to 30 as days in each month in a fast way?


is there a fast way for having a menu of numbers from 1 to 31/30 for having them in the input part of the EA without writing them down one by one by typing them?

I mean I can do this the hard way:

enum DaysOfEachMonth{







but is there a faster way for achieving this? 


is there a fast way for having a menu of numbers from 1 to 31/30 for having them in the input part of the EA without writing them down one by one by typing them?

I mean I can do this the hard way:

enum DaysOfEachMonth{







but is there a faster way for achieving this? 

Probably not much harder than writing your post! You're already over 10% finished! You might be abke to use a timedate and then isolate the days. Or even why note just use a ushort or int? Why it has to be a menu?

is there a fast way for having a menu of numbers from 1 to 31/30 for having them in the input part of the EA without writing them down one by one by typing them?

I mean I can do this the hard way:

enum DaysOfEachMonth{







but is there a faster way for achieving this? 

A faster way, since new values will be formed automatically:

enum DaysOfEachMonth{

A faster way, since new values will be formed automatically:

Just to clarify, you may omit the "=2" from the "two=2" line and the "=3" from the "three=3" line etc. but you still have to fill in manually all the lines that the "..." line represents in Figs example. And you may not omit the "=1" from the "one=1" otherwise "one" will take on a default value of 0.


Just to clarify, you may omit the "=2" from the "two=2" line and the "=3" from the "three=3" line etc. but you still have to fill in manually all the lines that the "..." line represents in Figs example. And you may not omit the "=1" from the "one=1" otherwise "one" will take on a default value of 0.

Thanks, as show the source code example.

Anyway, note that this is not a critic of your answer (that is right too), just a way to show how to do it faster, as asked for by sd2000sd.


Thanks, as show the source code example.

Anyway, note that this is not a critic of your answer (that is right too), just a way to show how to do it faster, as asked for by sd2000sd.

how about only having numbers from 1 to 30:






is there a faster way?or should I type them all? 


how about only having numbers from 1 to 30:






is there a faster way?or should I type them all? 

You can't name each selection a number like that, gotta spell it or name it d1,d2,d3.