Account ProCent - page 2

I think you should learn to use the search button, if you try to use it you'll see that all the other CENT accounts are paid
Michele Manenti: I think you should learn to use the search button, if you try to use it you'll see that all the other CENT accounts are paid

If you had bothered to read the threads I quoted, you would have had the answer already.

So I will play "nice" and "spoon-feed" you the answer instead (and even provide the "Google translation") so that you will stop bickering ...

Форум по трейдингу, автоматическим торговым системам и тестированию торговых стратегий

Бесплатный центовый сигнал

Anatoliy Koscheev, 2018.01.02 09:59

Похоже, просто процесс еще не закончен. Во-обще же, считаю центовые сигналы полезными, т.к. их провайдеры (при ручной торговле) менее подвержены эмоциям и больше заботятся о надежности, чем о сверхприбыли. Как показывает практика, закрытие убыточных сделок не снижает, а даже повышает рейтинг. Я думаю ЭТО сделали, чтобы отсечь тех коллег, которые запускают десятки центовых счетов на алготтрейдинге, а по прошествии времени выбирают из них счета с наилучшей историей и выставляют их в качестве сигналов. И дело тут не в "нищебродстве", а в желании заработать. Если у тебя есть пара лимонов, ты не  будешь пыжиться с сигналами, а будешь тихонечко в сторонке торговать и стараться не засвечиваться. Подписчики, как правило, люди неискушенные, и им трудно разобраться в этих нюансах. У меня был случай, когда чел. подписался только после того, как уточнил лично, что это ручная торговля.

Anatoliy Koscheev 2018.01.02 08:59
Alexandr Murzin :

I wonder why not all the cents have devalued?

It seems that the process is not finished yet. In general, I think centesignals are useful, because their providers (with manual trading) are less prone to emotions and are more concerned about reliability than about super-profits. As practice shows, the closure of losing trades does not reduce, but even raises the rating. I think IT was done to cut off those colleagues who run dozens of cent accounts on the altotrade, and after a while they choose from them accounts with the best history and expose them as signals. And it's not about "poverty", but in the desire to make money. If you have a pair of lemons, you will not be puffed up with signals, but you will quietly trade on the side and try not to shine. Subscribers, as a rule, are inexperienced people, and it is difficult for them to understand these nuances. I had a case when people. signed only after he clarified in person that this is a manual trade.
I am increasingly convinced that this is a website for wasters, a CENT account can burn like a standard account, no matter that it is 10-100 -1000 but that the system is functioning and profitable. It shows my profile which is one of the best of MQL5 that will soon be transferred to RAMM on <>. Here you only lose time and money.
The CENT ACCOUNT IN The annex must obviously be "escaped" to the controllers of MQL5 or maybe it must make more sympathy than mine, EH?
centaccount.png  19 kb
Michele Manenti: I am increasingly convinced that this is a website for wasters, a CENT account can burn like a standard account, no matter that it is 10-100 -1000 but that the system is functioning and profitable. It shows my profile which is one of the best of MQL5 that will soon be transferred to RAMM on <>. Here you only lose time and money.

If your signal was any good, then you would be making "real" profit (not "cent") and you would not be relying on "subscribers" to fund you! That is the whole point why MetaQuotes is starting to beat down on "cent" accounts.

For a so-called "Chief Financial Analyst" according to your profile, you certainly don't seem to know the business very well or how a proper trader goes about things.

Michele Manenti: The CENT ACCOUNT IN The annex must obviously be "escaped" to the controllers of MQL5 or maybe it must make more sympathy than mine, EH?

Wow! You really are hard of reading! Even with a "spoon-fed" translated highlighted answer, you still don't get it!

Question: I wonder why not all the cents have devalued?

Answer: It seems that the process is not finished yet.

The only cent account signals that have not turned free are the ones that have a drawdown more than 30% and they are not available for subscription.

I think that decision tried to eliminate the tactic of some signal providers, who employed extremely risky strategies (without risking any real money, but only a few $), recorded extra-terrestrial profits and then were selling their signal to unsuspected subscribers, who couldn't understand the risk involved and the nature of a cent account.