Repository STORAGE|SVN



there seams to be something wrong after the last upgrade.

When I launched the Metaeditor it was not connected to the storage so I have connected it again. but there were no icons that my codes are synchronized.

I had to add the scripts to repository again. But when I commit some code. I can't see the commit in the history of repository:!/#personal/history

What's going on?


As I understand from the talking on rus part of the forum - you will need to save your "old" storage files and to re-place them to the new storage ...
Because the MQL5 storage was phisically changed/re-placed by place (I mean - the general storage place).

or accept MQL5 Storage ... or do not accept ... than accept it once again ... it is about what I did ...

Sergey Golubev:

As I understand from the talking on rus part of the forum - you will need to save your "old" storage files and to re-place them to the new storage ...
Because the MQL5 storage was phisically changed/re-placed by place (I mean - the general storage place).

or accept MQL5 Storage ... or do not accept ... than accept it once again ... it is about what I did ...

does it mean that I have lost the the history of my commits?

Martin Nohejl:

does it mean that I have lost the the history of my commits?

I do not know sorry ... 


do you know if there is an official statement? Becaus its quite a importatnt I think.

Martin Nohejl:

do you know if there is an official statement? Becaus its quite a importatnt I think.

Yes - look at the following thread.

New MetaTrader 5 Build 1730: Projects in MetaEditor and Synthetic financial instruments

MQL5 Storage Operation Protocol Changes
To support new shared projects, we have updated the protocol of operation with the MQL5 Storage. Therefore, you will need to perform a checkout of all data from the storage after the platform update. Data stored at the MQL5 Storage will not be lost or affected during the update.

Before updating the platform to the new version, we recommend that you perform the Commit operation to send all local changes to the MQL5 Storage. 


What is the new internet path to my recently committed source files? I need to access the files using external SVN tool for visual inspection and better revision control! The old path works, but it does not reflect the latest changes.

Toni Fasth:

What is the new internet path to my recently committed source files? I need to access the files using external SVN tool for visual inspection and better revision control! The old path works, but it does not reflect the latest changes.

Same there. New files aren't accessible via another svn than MT5's one.  Any solution for that ? 

Icham Aidibe:

Same there. New files aren't accessible via another svn than MT5's one.  Any solution for that ? 

Please don't double post. Other one is deleted.

Icham Aidibe:

Same there. New files aren't accessible via another svn than MT5's one.  Any solution for that ? 

Switch to git and use bitbucket for free private repos...use sourcetree gui  or  vs code editor with built in git support (and brilliant side by side diffs)