How to verify identity..?


I am trying to verify my identity to become a seller so I could have the option of my signals being copied, and I have attempted twice and failed twice already. I know, I should take this up with the moderators (as I currently am), but the replies takes a very long time and are not very specific. I initially uploaded my photo ID and edited it so the front and back were on the same image. This was rejected, I asked why and I was told to not edit the photograph, just take a picture of the front of the ID card and send it in.. so I did just this.. and a week later after submitting, I was declined again (and again with no words). I asked why, again.. and so far a few days later and still no reply.

Why am I having such a difficult time doing this? I have edited my name to my real name when submitting the application, and I only change the name back to a nickname once it has been rejected.