the reason why bitcoin will triumph - page 2

Marco vd Heijden:

Because people want to believe.

I never said i am the only smart guy, i just meant that i was smarter then you, but that is not hard because i think most people are.

Bitcoin forked into cash and after that into gold so i can already see 63 Million coins.

So it seems some people found a way to 'print' Bitcoin... or at least it's offspring.

And i believe the number of available alt coins at the larger exchanges is almost at 1000.

But they don't carry the name right....

I think you are wrong, everytime there is a fork, you don't create more coins, the scarcity  still remain valid for bitcoins, if you change one little bit the core code, you are creating another coin, so it's not bitcoin anymore, so you can say there is still only 21 million coins, bitcoin gold, and cash are different from bitcoin core. So i think you only valid points are the energy problem and the blockchain size, but those problems don't affect bitcoin concept of money, so are secondary problems.

Bitcoin is only as valuable as the community/miner support and how much value is placed on the block-chain itself. It's a shit currency since it's expensive to transact and slow to confirm, and right now we're seeing a massive bubble build with the rapid accumulation of BTC by large players due to the forkability of btc. People think that BTC will preserve value in a time of economic despair, but in reality people will trade their BTC for fiat to pay bills and large players will dump the market and it would be a race to sell while you still can. This goes for all financial assets including gold - before hyperinflation comes a rapid deflation.  

If you want to transfer USD to another country how long does it take? days, right, And what if it's gold, so why say its not a good currency, because you can transfer it in 10 minutes, about the forks problem, they are not a problem, what happen it not that bitcoin is splitted, but new coins are created. And people will not trade BTC for fiat when it becomes easy to place micro transactions, and it's gonna happen soon

Regarding the original post, I just wanted to add that Gold is not just scarce, its mining and ore processing is a long, difficult, expensive procedure involving highly toxic materials, which add significantly to its final price.

I think you are wrong, everytime there is a fork, you don't create more coins, the scarcity  still remain valid for bitcoins, if you change one little bit the core code, you are creating another coin, so it's not bitcoin anymore, so you can say there is still only 21 million coins, bitcoin gold, and cash are different from bitcoin core. So i think you only valid points are the energy problem and the blockchain size, but those problems don't affect bitcoin concept of money, so are secondary problems.
Don't forget the strength of the security involved.

A lot of people think that gold has value because it's yellow and shinning, NO, gold has its value because:

a- its scarce

b- you can't fake any more gold

c- you can carry it between places at a reasonable cost, so you can exchange it

d- it does not degrade by nature with time

e- divisibility - you can divide it if you want

if you have those 5 things you have money, what the central banks do is printing money out of thin air, and that makes is less scarce and less valuable, with bitcoin you don't have this problem, so it's safe to say that forever, the price will go eventually up

Why only bitcoin!
They became more than one pair like etherum, bitcoin cash & litecoin... etc

Mohammad Soubra:
Why only bitcoin!
They became more than one pair like etherum, bitcoin cash & litecoin... etc

You're right, all crypto coins are better than fiat money, but bitcoin will be the main coin, and that's because until now, nobody could hack even 1 time the blockchain itself, and it's code is more simple, but stronger, so it's the best. For ethereum, there were attacks on the blockchain, and bitcoin cash and litecoin are forks made with the same code of bitcoin, but with some little more code. In bitcoin you can trust the integrity of the code against hackers, the scarcity, which defines what a coin is.

Do you have any idea how long it takes to master the coding involved ?

I can't believe you just wrote that it's simple.

Go try it, you don't know what your talking about.

From now on i am going to consider you a chicken without a head.

All you do is ever talk and most of it is plain bs.

Marco vd Heijden:

Do you have any idea how long it takes to master the coding involved ?

I can't believe you just wrote that it's simple.

Go try it, you don't know what your talking about.

From now on i am going to consider you a chicken without a head.

All you do is ever talk and most of it is plain bs.

i don't mean simple, but simpler. The more code, the more vulnerabilities, if you compare monero code, with bitcoin code, you'll see that monero is more complex and more lines of code,  so it opens space for being vulnerable. Bitcoin can do this using less code, so this is why it's better. and i recognize i don't know how the code works, but smart people told me this, so i trust them

I have done it in Bash, in C# and C++ and also in Python and i can tell you, none of it was easy.

Marco vd Heijden:

I have done it in Bash, in C# and C++ and also in Python and i can tell you, none of it was easy.

i didn't mean easy, but solid code, ethereum is more complex, and already had blockchain attacks succeded, bitcoin don't, not even 1, that's why people trust it.

Also, it will hit 20000 soon, 19300 now, it's a bubble, it will explode UP