Bitcoin is truly a holy grail, right in front of everyone


Some experts predict bitcoin in the future equivalent to 10% of all the wealth in the world, so if all the wealth in the world is around 260 trillion dollars, 10% of that are 26 trillions, and because the number of bitcoins are limited to 21 millions forever , that shows us that the right price for 1 bitcoin should be around 1.2 million dollars.

If you see bitcoin chart on 15 minute chart, every time it is bellow RSI (13) - 40, there are a great opportunity for  trade with profit, and also there are no swaps, i don't know why so few people are talking about this, some even saying to don't buy


If you see bitcoin chart on 15 minute chart, every time it is bellow RSI (13) - 40, there are a great opportunity for  trade with profit, and also there are no swaps, i don't know why so few people are talking about this, some even saying to don't buy

Why don't you push the button then ?

Marco vd Heijden:

Why don't you push the button then ?

i'm all in, and the more people buying it the better, so there's plenty of money for everyone
MrLuck would you mind to tell me where are you trading BitCoins?
Carl Schreiber:
MrLuck would you mind to tell me where are you trading BitCoins?
i trade on wallets, but also in e...s broker, 0 swap so it's possible to hold a position for as long as you want

You're right. There should be more people talking about this. Do you know why are they recommending to not buy it? 


You're right. There should be more people talking about this. Do you know why are they recommending to not buy it? 

That's because a lot of people don't know mandarim, and how bad things really are, if you see SSE composite index from xangai exchange this year, there you'll see the problem, no gains this year, so even with all these 3 trillion printed, they can't make SSE index grow, things are really bad, i'm all in, bitcoin 20000 begin 2018

You're right. There should be more people talking about this. Do you know why are they recommending to not buy it? 

Because it is on collision course... It's an experiment that has gotten out of hand.

It has a self destruct charge on board which is called electricity.

The machines performing the work are consuming huge amounts of energy.

Currently the network is estimated to absorb 33 TWh, Terra Watt Hour.

You can power a country with that.

Did you know that every bitcoin transaction has a carbon footprint of a staggering 125 Kg CO2 ?

You can look it up in the Bitcoin energy consumption index.

Then there is the size of the Blockchain itself, currently 145 Gigabyte and growing steadily.

It used to be possible to run full nodes on many computers but with that size it's not as easy anymore these days.

People think they smell money, but in reality it's smog.

They don't see that it can not go on like this because everybody will suffocate.
there are really smart people working on these issues right now, the benefits greatly overcome the problems, if you need to send gold to another country how long it would take? how many taxes, and bureaucracy, with bitcoin you carry this gold everywhere you go, just ones and zeros,  and can send it anywhere if you want, nobody can track you

And then you want to transfer some of your Bitcoin to your friend who's in another country, but you discover that your address has been emptied.

So you discover it wasn't as secure as you had hoped.

And you can only wallow in pity because it's all gone, and there is nobody and nowhere you can turn to.

Anyway you might want to look into ways of cashing out your coins because nobody seems to know that you can only 'withdraw' like 15k a week so thats like one coin.

I mean if you had a whopping 1000 Bitcoins it would take you ???

20 Years...

Most people don't realize that risk increases with price.

And the highest number of people go 'all in' at exactly the wrong point in time.

It's usually a trigger called, the fear of missing out.


if you had bought 100USD of bitcoin 7 years ago, now you would have 75 million, i don't know any other investment with that kind of return, then you ask if i get stolen, if you have gold you can be stolen too, if you use a good virtual wallet and cold storage there will be no problem, 2001 crash have nothing to do with bitcoin, because bitcoin is not a bubble the definition is: something above the right price or intrinsic value, but the problem is that there is no intrinsic value on bitcoin, nobody can calculate it. You can't teleport gold to another country, with bitcoin you can do easily, also today there are big companies extracting gold, and the technology to make this is increasing, which make is less scarce, and less valuable.

2008 buble: was caused by central banks and government intervention on economy

tulips bubble: there is a controversy that this wasn't so bad as people say, a Tulip was hard to replicate, so it was a symbol of status and the price went up, but Tulips can be reproduced now, even in geometrical progression, so the price can't go up indefinitely