bitcoin is now 12000, last week it was 9000

That means China is weak, i really think that until  15 december it will go upt to 20000 when they open it for future contracts, because nobody will sell it, and it's better money than any other currency,  as they can't print more and it becomes scarce and then more expensive to buy

Ok so also explain why does it mean that China is weak ?

Because i can not see the link.

Why do you have to make there mental constructs about everything you see or come in contact with ?


Because China is printing a lot of money, without gold to compensate as always, this year they printed 3 trillion, almost the double of last year, so the good money will always win, so people who sell to China will accept their money, but will immediately convert it to good money, and bitcoin is good money, so people from China will buy bitcoin because they know their money will devalue. Why i say China? because is very important to bitcoin volume


Same as Marco, I would not link Bitcoin to China.


seems, you need to change the subject to

bitcoin is now xx000, last week it was 9000

hope you understood me


yes, maybe it will reach 20000 until the end of the year? there is no way to calculate it's intrinsic value who knows :)


How much higher could it rally before a significant correction begins? What do you think?

Diana Jackson:

How much higher could it rally before a significant correction begins? What do you think?

i think the real rally is yet to come, this is just the beginning, now you can see media talking about it, after it passed 10000 it crossed an important psychological barrier

Diana Jackson:

How much higher could it rally before a significant correction begins? What do you think?

no answer for such kind of pairs


Mohammad Soubra:

no answer for such kind of pairs


You're probably. I am convinced, however, that sooner or later there will be a major drop.
Eso significa que China es débil, realmente creo que hasta el 15 de diciembre subirá a 20000 cuando lo abran para futuros contratos, porque nadie lo venderá, y es mejor dinero que cualquier otra moneda, ya que no pueden imprimir más y se vuelve escaso y luego más caro comprar

I agree with you, it will keep going up more and more.