some ideas to find numeric values describing smothings for further analysis


The idea behind this tekst is that charts behavior ties in to mathematic equasions or phenomenons like fibonaci sequences wave fuckion. i want to take that fact and try to establishwhat it means. FIbonaci sequence is very characteristic and looks like an object moving with a fixed velocity around a circular orbit seen from the fixed frame of reference right behind or in some distance and following the motion. the chart doesnt look like it, the gyroscopic precesion motion is variable from our piont of viue. When you cover prices rate with lines representing fibonaci numbers it can not stay unseen that chart becomes more alive, it is much easier to see that price doesnt move up and down but cyrculate, and lines give sort of skin or shape to the sceleton as well. it becomes a living organism moving in space in form of wave, depending on topografic structure of space. From all possible results for MA we can pick those witch give  support and resistance restricting chart movement and how they change  and interact with other MA in order to find regularities. Simple fact that SMA moves always above EMA or has tendency to do so, and othervise indicates anomaly, or fact that all MAs change theirs possitions in many sequences in order to finaly for a short moment in time find equilibrium befor another significant period. It is only supposition but maybe right value can be found in temperatures and dencity during transformation period, or frequencis of electromagnetic waves or cosmological constants which are reciprocals of imperfections in chaotic, but still most likely the most efficient universal pattern, so hard to recognise from our ordering chaos point of viue, possibly oposit or fractially different from The Creators way of Creation itself. It is the only way how i can understand perfect efficiency hidden in apparent disorder or chaos. it is just a teory, that what we sens is just and describe as real is in fact something very diferent. conclusion 100% accurate if you take a closer look at characteristics of frame or reference. Diferent scale paints deadly tornado as a beautiful ring of clouds when you see it from the right distance. What is beyond we comprehand we can only dream of,in the land where unaswered questions of menkind are obvious observations. But i went to far again.

So first step is to find numbers that have specific topographic or management roles in particular outside enviroment such as volatility, volume, direction, lenght, angle. Define the range of theirs influences. Run that  as a test to extract all similarities, or lack of them, and to find how they are conected, to discover a pattern closer to prediction. There are very powerfull sighns when particular SMA approches fibonaci and classical supports and resistances  cousing short term corectes. IF the main point of evaluating probability of something to happen is by finding causalities that mean anything, or can supposedly have influance on the path of othervise unknown future is by percise description such eqation, *giving a proper name,and should result in closer to the actual description of the likelyhood of the event, and better control of market behavior in real time. I heard that guys from cybersecurity have tools or how to call this genius machine that can use 130 algorithms at one instance and each algorithm analise clusters of outcomes in diferent ways I  can not imagine what that means. i wish i could use 10 maybe 20 and customise them manualy down to elegant form to achive real time situation overviue for obvious reason. And this system never stops to learn how to be more accurate, so there is no limit here unless absolutely new method arrives, but it is different topic.

Unfortunately i am not a programist and i find programing things extrimly dificult, not to mention about mathematical literatency. one thing i know is how the little pices come together, how to look at them so they mean something.Using my simple method and since it is infinite proces of shapeing accuracy at some point it must start to satisfine. Onece i can program compiuter to do exactly what i need under certine conditions and to understand how to put all things together I win. it is a matter of how to take an idea and explane it to non mistaken matrix with perfect memory. I think no matter how some serious people here die of laughing after reading this tekst if only anyone have, I stil could spend my free  time like that.

if anyone can give me advice about the most eficient way to master coding for machine lerning, what language, and some details, and aproximietly how long it may take? I will be very thankfull.

i am sorry bfor my English, what can i say . Thank you in advance.


You seem to try to invent the wheel again, while it is already given here to anybody for free or a small amount off money!

You can find a lot of articles, free code, sold or leased signals and programs and finally freelancers whole are able to code all you tell them.

There is practically nothing that does not exist for Mt4/Mt5 - just search (top right the lens or google - you know how that works?).

It's faster and cheaper at the end!