There certainly is a Holy Grail! - page 21


However, I choose to trade on the M3 because I believe I will manage to get to the point where I can be profitable every day in the EuroDollar market trading from the M3, in the very near future. 

Never going to happen, it's a promise. Take it from one who knows. But you are just theorizing, two month, two years, take whatever time. You will never profit every day.

Amir Yacoby:

Never going to happen, it's a promise. Take it from one who knows. But you are just theorizing, two month, two years, take whatever time. You will never profit every day.


Now you are getting personal. :-)

What´s the bet?

When flash traders can do it, then I can too - trading manually. They make tiny percentage profits every day. Being a manual trader, obviously my average daily profit percentage will be higher. 

I know flash traders are not actually traders. Forget about that. 

State your bet. Game´s on. 

For what it's worth...It made perfect sense to me. The Holy Grail is what you make it. You win some and you lose some. We all know the "trick" is to win much more than you lose. NOT break even (which ain't so bad either). Whether your goal is to make $30 bucks or $3,000 a week. If you are meeting that goal then you have found your Holy Grail.
For what it's worth...It made perfect sense to me. The Holy Grail is what you make it. You win some and you lose some. We all know the "trick" is to win much more than you lose. NOT break even (which ain't so bad either). Whether your goal is to make $30 bucks or $3,000 a week. If you are meeting that goal then you have found your Holy Grail.

I agree. 

I really do not think that there is ANY robot that can be profitable all the time. There is many proofs of this in the signals market. Some robots are very, very good for some time and then the hell is open and for short time all the profit disappears....


Now you are getting personal. :-)

What´s the bet?

When flash traders can do it, then I can too - trading manually. They make tiny percentage profits every day. Being a manual trader, obviously my average daily profit percentage will be higher. 

I know flash traders are not actually traders. Forget about that. 

State your bet. Game´s on. 

As no living person earns each day, that is obviously not getting personal. There is nothing to bet upon because there is no time limit. You say every day, so how do we know that I dont win the bet the next day? I think you state your goals wrong and you mange risks wrong, thats all. Nothing personal.

Don´t get so serious about the personal thing. That was a joke.

The bet is that I will be profitable every single day in the EuroDollar market as from three months from today. That is as from 15th August, 2018. 

Right now I have 11 Europips profit in the bank for today, so far. 5.5%

We take it as from 15.08.2018.

Sideways Market so far today.

Have to be very nimble and act very quickly.

I dont care about your euro pips ) that says nothing

I want the bet.

How much ?

I will need the investor password for obvious reasons.


13% profit so far today. I´m sure everybody is profitable today on the EuroDollar.


0.1 lot and 26 usd which is 13 pct profit so you started the day with 250 usd and trade 0.1 which means leverage of 40, not 50. And Second, can you put the last month? Because its obvious that with 250 dollars you just started another account lately.

The only reason I commented here was because I felt that it added to the common knowledge about forex trading when I have proven many days that there are on average 10% to 15% profit in the EuroDollar market every single day at 50 leverage when a trader has developed the appropriate customized indicators to harvest that 10% to 15% daily profit.

That is the only new item of interest that I have noticed/experienced during the last 32 months trading the EuroDollar 14 to 16 hours every day. 

That was all I couild add to the common pool of forex trading information.

That was my contribution. 

And I say that with 50 leverage and given daily euro move of 100 pips you have 50 pct chance of getting a profit day and see 100 pct daily 50 pct of time. You dont need an indicator for that, anyone will get the same results. This is why we ask to see the account history and you refuse again and again and just show the succeding 50 pct. And you dont show us a one million dollar account or even a 1000 account, right? So you dont profit every day, right? You might want to get there and believe you will but thats the max it gets. Its ok to retreat, it seems you want to incourage yourself in all kinds of positive statenents and this thread as well, trying to state things that can not be covered. It does not impress no one to have this 13 pct today, it is clear that the risk taken will cause just one outcome.