There certainly is a Holy Grail! - page 20


What I said is not what you interpret me saying. I simply say that if you leverage by 50 you just need 100 pips a day to make 50 pct. It is old news, every body knows that. But you disregard the other direction. And it does not matter if you lose those 200 pips in one deal or 10 deals, they don't even have to be 10 consecutive losses. on the bottom line, you leverage too much and it's inevitable to wipe the account, and you can see the history of your account wipes and get the prove. 

Amir Yacoby:

What I said is not what you interpret me saying. I simply say that if you leverage by 50 you just need 100 pips a day to make 50 pct. It is old news, every body knows that. But you disregard the other direction. And it does not matter if you lose those 200 pips in one deal or 10 deals, they don't even have to be 10 consecutive losses. on the bottom line, you leverage too much and it's inevitable to wipe the account, and you can see the history of your account wipes and get the prove. 

I leverage too much? The FCA and other financial market authorities recommend 50 leverage as reasonable. There is one other very important advantage from (use for) it.

Now I am sad. You don´t understand it. That is a pity. 

I will give you the benefit of the doubt and not automatically assume you are absolutely negative with regard to consistently profitable day trading in the EuroDollar market. 

I may or may not be back and maybe I will show you a print of my company´s real account in the near future. I will see if I would do it at the time. I personally see no need for it. When I start making money, I make money. It has nothing to do with anyone as long as I am legally compliant, which I always will be. I may think about it once I move my Irish trading company to a tax haven while I travel permanently at five and a half month intervals between two very closely situated capital cities - in the beginning.

Enjoy the market. 

Whatever.. you will learn the hard way. Max 50 leverage allowed does not mean it is reasonable. Have you seen a serious fund manager using more then 3 or 4 leverage? 50 is way too much. Just look at when was your last account blow. Keep dreaming its free.
Amir Yacoby:
Whatever.. you will learn the hard way. Max 50 leverage allowed does not mean it is reasonable. Have you seen a serious fund manager using more then 3 or 4 leverage? 50 is way too much. Just look at when was your last account blow. Keep dreaming its free.

Active and serious speculator funds, they average 20% return in a year -I saw a list of the top 50 funds in the world and these are the common averages- and these guys are the most equipped in the industry and they have powerful and strong tools for both technical and fundamental analysis. They have a lot of analysis sources and a great team of experienced traders to take the best from the markets while minimizing the risks; but here one man with a couple of indicators, pretend to average that return figure in just two days..  l.o.l


Active and serious speculator funds, they average 20% return in a year -I saw a list of the top 50 funds in the world and these are the common averages- and these guys are the most equipped in the industry and they have powerful and strong tools for both technical and fundamental analysis. They have a lot of analysis sources and a great team of experienced traders to take the best from the markets while minimizing the risks; but here one man with a couple of indicators, pretend to average that return figure in just two days..  l.o.l

Just for interest sake I went and checked what I did over the last two weeks.

46.18 EuroPips profit from 1st May to 11th May, two weeks = 23.09% profit. I use 50 leverage. 

So, there you have it. I am getting there. 

You say the best average 20% per annum. I think it is higher. 

I made 23% over the last two weeks. 

That is not what I see in the EuroDollar market. 

I see on average 10% to 15% per day. 

I can also see, for example, from my performance over the last two weeks, that I am closing in on my goal.

Thank you for your comment greenThumbs.

How do I generate a report on MT5 for the last two weeks´trading to appear on one page?

Ok. I found the report. Do you want me to printscreen it onto a Google Doc and then publish it here?

That is not important to me at all. 

I am happy that I thus confirmed in a report what I could see that was happening: I am getting closer and closer to my goal of being profitable every single day in the EuroDollar market. 

That is my goal. 

Thank you again for your comment greenThumbs.

I am off to the gym.

Thank you again for your comment greenThumbs.



just for the interest sake, share here the date of the last time you blown an account.

Amir Yacoby:

just for the interest sake, share here the date of the last time you blown an account.

Amir Yacoby,

By now you must know that just as in lifestyles, there is absolutely no standard or default or generally accepted way of

1. learing how to trade forex,   or

2. trade forex.

I am absolutely sure I learnt how to trade forex totally differently from how you learnt it and I am absolutely sure I trade forex totally differently from how you trade forex.

Real Account

I have never blown a real account. I lost 42.75% of my original deposit in the first two weeks of trading on my real account about 26 months ago. Then I stopped and went back on the Demo.

Then I increased my deposit in April, 2018 by about 50%. 

Next I lost 6.76% of my real account total capital in the one day I traded in April, 2018. I immediately stopped and again went back to demo.

In total I lost 33.5% of my original capital. 

So, my original real account started about 26 months ago still holds 66.5% of my own capital deposited with my broker. 

So, I your terms, I have never blown an account. I think that is how you see it. What does that tell you? Tell me. 

There are many different ways of doing things in investing and trading.

Demo Accounts

I am now on my 6th or 7th, it could even be my 10th or 12th Demo account. I stopped using the original one because I did not know how easy it was to "refund" it with about two clicks. Then I deleted some Demo accounts for techincal reasons, for example when I had problems with my computer. It is so easy to open or delete a demo account that I now do it whenever I feel like it for just about any reason. It is immaterial. What is important is to be able to be profitable for at least 5 days consecutively. That is all that is important. Nothing else has any importance - while I am learning. 

On all the Demo accounts I lost almost all the time in the first 24 months. 

The fact that I lost almost all the time is immaterial. I was learning. 

You cannot make any conclusions from the fact that I lost most of the time. The only one I think that would be a valid conclusion is that the theory that you need to spend on average 10 000 hours to dominate a new activity, is most probably correct. I am at about 9000 hours, or maybe I have already passed 10 000. I am not sure about the exact count. 

It does tell me two things: one is that you are very patient and thus have a major strength over most other losing traders. And two, that I am right, you never won even for one month without refund or blow the account. You call it learning but it does not matter the fact that you lise. It is not because you are a bad trader but because you risk too much. So you can not expect to win for years.

Amir Yacoby:
It does tell me two things: one is that you are very patient and thus have a major strength over most other losing traders. And two, that I am right, you never won even for one month without refund or blow the account. You call it learning but it does not matter the fact that you lise. It is not because you are a bad trader but because you risk too much. So you can not expect to win for years.

Well, we are here for the risk. I have to risk.

OK, since I trade the M3 you may validly see that as risking too much. In that sense you may be right.

However, I choose to trade on the M3 because I believe I will manage to get to the point where I can be profitable every day in the EuroDollar market trading from the M3, in the very near future. 

I still believe that very strongly. 

I expect to be able to go back trading live on my real account and being profitable every single day within the next two weeks.

I do admit that it will most probably turn out to be in only two months and not two weeks time. 

"It is never as good as you expect it to be and it is never as bad as you expect it to be. "