There certainly is a Holy Grail! - page 16

Icham Aidibe:

you look happy with this strategy, don't change.

Yes, I am very happy with it. 


SideWays Market in the EuroDollar today. 


SideWays Market in the EuroDollar today. 

I am going to sit on my hands till NFP.   :-)

Don't take root here. There's great twitter #hashtag for daily traders, there's even sitewhere you can share your chart and discuss all day long in a tweet-like environment. Did you know ? 

It's more adequate than support forum.

Icham Aidibe:

Don't take root here. There's great twitter #hashtag for daily traders, there's even sitewhere you can share your chart and discuss all day long in a tweet-like environment. Did you know ? 

It's more adequate than support forum.

I do agree with Icham, here no one is interested in PennySeven's "holy grail"

Icham Aidibe:

Don't take root here. There's great twitter #hashtag for daily traders, there's even sitewhere you can share your chart and discuss all day long in a tweet-like environment. Did you know ? 

It's more adequate than support forum.

Thanks. :-)


I do agree with Icham, here no one is interested in PennySeven's "holy grail"


Thanks. :-)

Take no offense, he meant it's more advanced there, same indicators but .. backstage, behind the scene.

The scene : 

You'll enjoy for sure.


I do understand you 100%. Why? Because I am a genetically imperfect human being - the result of billions of years of evolution - just like you, and every person who reads this, are. We are all part of the same, one and only race -- the single human race - that exists on Planet Earth, no matter what the colour of our skin is. I was born in Africa. :-) That makes you think, doesn´t it? You may be right and you may be wrong. :-)

Being born a permanently genetically imperfect human being (just like you - and everyone who reads this - are) I freely make the mistake of thinking that it might be interesting to some users of this forum to know that it is actually possible - and that someone is actually trying to develop a trading plan - that now and then results in 300% gain in three days: 30% times 36% times 84% at 50 leverage and 100% compounded. 1.3 x 1.36 x 1.84 = 3.25312 or 325.312 % - in three days. 

Some of them might think: if that is possible, then it is really worth my while to spend the time to learn how to trade forex. 

And they are right. (You won´t admit it, but you know it may be right). 

So, you may be right that no-one is interested or you may be wrong. 

And I may be right or wrong in my views. 

The forum moderators may allow this comment to stay here - or they may not. It is a 40/60 risk. :-) (They love to delete comments. They call me a "Dude" - so most probably this comment will be deleted very soon. ) We are here for risk. That is why I take this risk, even in writing this comment. 

It is a risk just being alive. 

We are in the forex market for risk. 

Let´s see how long this comment will be allowed to stay here. 

300% profit in 3 days!!

Yes, it is worth spending the many hours to learn how to trade forex.

The lot of money you will make with your "holy grail" are totally irrelevant to us.

I think you need to show your track record to Jp Morgan banks, not here. They will assume you immediately with such performances and you will get a lot of money trading for them (with zero risk for you)

I think we are not interested to know how good is your holy grail. Simple as that.

Icham Aidibe:

Okay. It's 5 march 2017. This is the actual weather in Paris, France. 

I predict that in in summer (July, August), it'll be more than 15. It's future, it's more than 3 months.

Does this make of me a Nostradamus ? A Future Creator ?!

C'mon Mr Moderator !

Nice one :D.I think this prediction and expectation discussion is going one since forex trading began.The best way is to Believe which way generates the biggest profits ;D

This is what I think about trading "holy grail": It is human to be wrong, yes, and to fall, but it is not human to not believe...this is a quite demoniac thing, and there are a lot of traders, also expert traders that don't believe. I think it is human to believe. It is human to rationally search for something that doesn't exist to make it exist... it is human to do impossible things, to create. Trading "holy grail" exist, sure...but it is something very difficult to reach...Remember, there's no limits in this world, except the ones that you make by yourself...


This is what I think about trading "holy grail": It is human to be wrong, yes, and to fall, but it is not human to not believe...this is a quite demoniac thing, and there are a lot of traders, also expert traders that don't believe. I think it is human to believe. It is human to rationally search for something that doesn't exist to make it exist... it is human to do impossible things, to create. Trading "holy grail" exist, sure...but it is something very difficult to reach...Remember, there's no limits in this world, except the ones that you make by yourself...

The fact is that it is a totally useless - in my humble opinion - and something futile discussion until you define what "holy grail" is all about (Is it something that print money without risk? or what? something that have X risk to make Y reward with little or no emotional and technical commitment at all? what is it for you?).

I think that people that are talking too much about "holy grail" are forgetting that trading in itself is a very ordinary activity, nothing special neither mystical in this activity.

Trading a financial instruments portfolio can be compared to whatever business activity around the world with a difference in the operating form (*a sort of virtual form* in this operating difference lies the mirage to find something that "print money" easily); everyday you can find that a lot of entrepreneurs are failing in the meanwhile others are having incredible success in their own sector (how many restaurant in New York are failed and how many are thriving? Probably those winners/losers figures looks just like in financial trading), does these succesful entrepreneurs have discovered the "holy grail" of their business sector? Absolutely NO. They just found an organized way to get the best from their business, they are acting clever and balanced on the risks in comparison to the possible rewards, they are innovating their business, they are investing in solutions and research field; when they found some success their minds are already ahead to many others to understand how to improve or innovate some sectors to improve market competition, in the end the challenge never ends.

When you found your organized way to prosper in the market in these days, you don't have in your hands the "eternal key" to endless success: far from it.

What really is endless are the skills given by experience that forge yor character and keep you balanced in your decisions over the span of your career of whatever business we are talking about.

Also, when you are too excited because you see that you can get by your "system" 300% in 3 day, you need to cool down your mind and think again on it; in fact someone said: "The problem is not about to make money in the market but to keep the money".

The message is clear: poor periods will come for sure due thousand reasons and since risk and rewards are strictly correlated (despite how good is your system) if you made 300% in 3 days, in those bad periods you will lose 2000%  (lol)

Remember that when you get too excited on your trading...something is wrong (as general advice).

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