Shifting a signal to another account?


High, a question from a newbe: Is it possible to shift a signal from one account to another? If so, how to do it?

When I subscribe to a signal, first I check on a demo account whether slippage etc. is acceptable. If I'm satisfied I want to continue the signal on a life account.

Till now I see no possibility to shift from demo to life.


I think - it is impossible for the following reasons:

  • Signal based on the real account available only for paid subscription. Demo signals always free.
  • Demo account can subscribe to "demo" signals and to "real" signals, and real account to "real" signals.
So, you can subscribe to "real" signal from demo account but it will not be free. And that - you can ssubscribe to "real" signal from real/live account (not free as well).


High, a question from a newbe: Is it possible to shift a signal from one account to another? If so, how to do it?

When I subscribe to a signal, first I check on a demo account whether slippage etc. is acceptable. If I'm satisfied I want to continue the signal on a life account.

Till now I see no possibility to shift from demo to life.

Sergey explained the options you have very clearly in his message.

If your question is if you can pause your signal subscription from your demo account and transfer (the subscription) to your live account, then no this is not possible.

What you can do is, to ask for a refund at the Service Desk (if your subscription is only a few days old) and then subscribe again with your live account.