I am utterly amazed: two installtions of the same editor b.1601 but different toolbars ??



I have (more than) two times installed mt4, all of them came with their editor b.1601 dtd May 19, 2017.

But one shows this toolbar:

the other one:

So on the second editor I am missing the option to search and to un-do and re-do?

Ok, if I click on "Edit" I have these options and the functions keys (ctrl-z) work as well - but I'd like to have them on the toolbar too but I can't find any place where I can modify my toolbar to (de-)select them?

Am I missing something?

Carl Schreiber:

Am I missing something?

Right click on an existing icon ... Customize
James Cater:

Right click on an existing icon ... Customize
Thanks - ok, I got it, has been a long time ago that I was using this!