tracking positions/orders by identifier in code? - page 2

Alain Verleyen:

I would like to ask you, please, to stop using different colors and bold for all your text. Thanks.

I realize you are a moderator, but you can't tell a user to stop doing something when YOU do it yourself on a regular basis. Do you think that's fair?

Clearly you do the EXACT same thing.

You use colors and bold where you feel it is appropriate, as do I.

There is nothing in the terms of service which contradict my use of colors and bold text.

There is nothing in the forum rules which consider such use of colors and bold a VIOLATION.

I'm sorry but that's absolutely unreasonable.

You can't have it both ways if you want to be fair. You either have to allow them, or you have to not allow them.


It was same request from me too (this is nothing special and you do not need to be angry for example) - 

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Sergey Golubev, 2017.10.12 07:40

Hi @Jack Thomas

I can not send PM message to you (because you use some settings in your profile to accept PM from the friends only).

I have one request - please, use normal font and color when posting. Why?
People are complainining - your posts with bold blue/read color look like aggressive posts ... no one is posting like that on the forum ...


So, please, use normal font and color when posting.

Sergey Golubev:

It was same request from me too (this is nothing special and you do not need to be angry for example) - 

I'm not angry but when a moderator does the same exact action, but complains about someone else, then it's absurd and unreasonable.

Do you see my point here? If you or another moderator does something, and then condemn others for the same action, it's unreasonable.

Jack Thomas:

I'm not angry but when a moderator does the same exact action, but complains about someone else, then it's absurd and unreasonable.

Do you see my point here? If you or another moderator does something, and then condemn others for the same action, it's unreasonable.

You are doing it in public, and people are complaining - they understand it as an aggressive kind of post ...
This is nothing with you or me or someone else - it is related to how the people are perceiving it when reading the text for example.

Jack Thomas: I'm not angry but when a moderator does the same exact action, but complains about someone else, then it's absurd and unreasonable. Do you see my point here? If you or another moderator does something, and then condemn others for the same action, it's unreasonable.

In @Alain Verleyen defense and my own as I sometimes do it too, I believe what they are trying to request of you, is that you use it sparingly. In other words, they would like you to use normal text most of the time and only use Bold and/or Colours as a form of highlighting when needed.

The way you have been using it in most of your posts so far, has been where most of of your text is usually in Bold with plenty of Colour changes where no real highlighting is needed. When overused, they become meaningless and no longer calls the readers attention and instead it becomes a distraction and deters reading.

I confess, that I too, have noticed myself skipping over your text and not really paying attention to it lately for the very reason, even though in the beginning I really enjoyed reading your posts and consider you an interesting an intelligent guy.

I don't think anyone is telling you NOT to use it, but rather to use it as the exception rather than the rule, so that when you do use it, it engages the reader positively instead of negatively.

You also usually have plenty of "whitespace" encompassing your text which makes it difficult to fluidly read through your text without the need of extra scrolling to get past it (especially on mobile devices). It is made even worse when they reply to your posts while quoting you making it even longer.

If it is not too much ask, and I hope you don't take offense, can you perhaps also reduce its use too?

Fernando Carreiro:

In @Alain Verleyen defense and my own as I sometimes do it too, I believe what they are trying to request of you, is that you use it sparingly. In other words, they would like you to use normal text most of the time and only use Bold and/or Colours as a form of highlighting when needed.

The way you have been using it in most of your posts so far, has been where most of of your text is usually in Bold with plenty of Colour changes where no real highlighting is needed. When overused, they become meaningless and no longer calls the readers attention and instead it becomes a distraction and deters reading.

I confess, that I too, have noticed myself skipping over your text and not really paying attention to it lately for the very reason, even though in the beginning I really enjoyed reading your posts and consider you an interesting an intelligent guy.

I don't think anyone is telling you NOT to use it, but rather to use it as the exception rather than the rule, so that when you do use it, it engages the reader positively instead of negatively.

You also usually have plenty of "whitespace" encompassing your text which makes it difficult to fluidly read through your text without the need of extra scrolling to get past it (especially on mobile devices). It is made even worse when they reply to your posts while quoting you making it even longer.

If it is not too much ask, and I hope you don't take offense, can you perhaps also reduce its use too?

I went through the forums looking at hundreds of posts, numerous users use colors and bold in their text regularly, and yet I AM the only one getting complains.

And for the record I was told "So, please, use normal font and color when posting.", and also "stop using different colors and bold for all your text."...

So yeah I am being held to a different set of rules than others.

Yes I use colors. Yes I use bold. Yes I use a lot of white space. SO WHAT.

This is absurd. It's off topic. And I'm done.

I will not be posting help to the forums again.

Jack Thomas:

I went through that forum, looking at hundreds of posts, numerous users use colors and bold in their text regularly, and yet I AM the only one getting complains.

And for the record I was told "So, please, use normal font and color when posting.", so yeah I am being held to a different set of rules than others.

Yes I use colors. Yes I use bold. Yes I use a lot of white space. SO WHAT.

This is absurd. It's off topic. And I'm done.

I will not be posting help to the forums again.

I can understand your anger because you feel singled out. I too have had my share of heated discussions with @Alain Verleyen because it is human for us to go on the defensive and be aggressive when someone calls us to attention on some point or another.

We feel wronged and see others doing the same or worse and feel that it is unjustified. I can understand and sympathise with your feelings about it, but I do ask that you calm down and please see this just as a friendly request from someone who is seeing both sides.

Alain is not a native English speaker and he may have not expressed himself accurately. Don't take his works literately, but rather as an indication, and that is why I tried to explain things to you and clear up the misunderstanding as well as express my point of view, but without any malice or aggression towards you.

So, please, don't take it personally and simply take it as two people conversing with each other and trying to negotiate some deal where both sides come to a compromise and find common ground to continue talking without any ill will towards each other.

PS! As for the "whitespace", I gave you a technical reason of why it causes immense difficulty. It is not a question of esthetics (like colours), but actual physical difficulty with it when working on smaller screens and especially on mobile devices.

EDIT: Yes, it is off topic, but since not even the moderators are able to send you a PM (due to your settings), there was no other alternative. I am sure they will delete these various posts after the discussion has reached a reasonable conclusion.

Jack Thomas:

I'm not angry but when a moderator does the same exact action, but complains about someone else, then it's absurd and unreasonable.

Do you see my point here? If you or another moderator does something, and then condemn others for the same action, it's unreasonable.

You are the only one to do it for all your messages and all the text. If you can't see the difference I don't know how to explain it.

I never said you can't use colors or bold. I asked you kindly to not do it systematically ("all the text"). If you don't like default fonts, styles or colors, configure your browser and system accordingly, don't impose to everyone different font, color or style. Doesn't seems to me hard to understand.

EDIT: After Fernando remarks, I see my original request was probably unclear. Sorry about that.

Sorry everyone for reviving an old threads.

I have been searching high and low for an equivalent of MqlTradeTransaction for MT4 in the forum and can't find any.

If there is no equivalent, what simple method can we use to track positions/orders by identifiers in MT4?