Girls psychology in trading. - page 3

Marco vd Heijden: Hmm maybe we can train elephants to become the next level traders...

Sounds good; they work for peanuts.


 My citation have been deleted.

This give a high idea of moderators.


Maybe try again, and this time in English...


Sounds good; they work for peanuts.

Hmm i should go long on peanuts then.

May I know who has censored my post, please ?
Marco vd Heijden:

Maybe try again, and this time in English...

Maybe that was not the reason
Maybe that was not the reason

The reason was that it was written in French or some other language that i do not understand, and so i did not know what it means, and that is why i removed it.

FYI: Everything other then English gets removed.

Marco vd Heijden:

The reason was that it was written in French or some other language that i do not understand, and so i did not know what it means, and that is why i removed it.

FYI: Everything other then English gets removed.

ok thank :-)


One lady created the poll (as a joke) in rus part of the forum one month ago. Name of the thread is the following: 
Girls vs Trading  



  • Girls will win
  • Girls will not win
  • Why girls?


7 pages

Lorentzos Roussos:

Its true .

A man will focus on one thing logically . 

A woman will diversify her attention , and choose what feels best. 
After all , a chart is the representation of how market participants feel about an asset.

A chart is like a relationship , if it seems to be ok it might not be , and women understand this intuitively ;)

A man will focus on one thing if the subject matter is the women ;)

Trading is a unisex activity and there is not so much room for emotions in it.

For technical trading, every trading system/logic is an attempt to identify rewarding patterns on a time series data + money management.

So ... if one is good at identifying those patterns (with the improvements in mathematics/statistics, this part is getting more and more intellectually demanding) and at money management, then can be a successful trader.