What is your realistic expectation of profit /month with maximum drawdown of 30 % ?

  • 6% (2)
  • 16% (5)
  • 31% (10)
  • 12% (4)
  • 6% (2)
  • 6% (2)
  • 12% (4)
  • 9% (3)
Total voters: 32

I voted for 5 - 10%. This is good if you can increase your deposit twice in one year. I heard from successful traders precisely about their profit. That is, if 100% divided by 12 months, then we get about 8%.

Victor Ziborov:

I voted for 5 - 10%. This is good if you can increase your deposit twice in one year. I heard from successful traders precisely about their profit. That is, if 100% divided by 12 months, then we get about 8%.

Forex21 | Forex Compounding Calculator
  • www.forex21.com
You can use the Compounding Calculator to calculate profits and interest earning. This allows you to understand better how your trading account will grow over time. One of the most interesting facts about compounding is that even a moderate monthly gain...

Yes, Radu Bot, this is an interesting and useful calculator. He considers a "compound interest".


Realistic or not ... expectations are expectations ;)

The reality is a different kind of thing for most of the FX customers (so called FX traders).


Something realted - 

Fallacies, Part 1: Money Management is Secondary and Not Very Important

In this article we will discuss very simple things that can very often be deceptive - the graphs of an account balance in the testing report. In reports of strategy testing by beginners we can often see exponential balance/equity graphs and multibillion results by the end of the testing period. Such results usually invoke skeptical comments of experienced EA writers who know where these exponents come from, and immediately recommend to show results on a fixed lot (usually 0.1).

Fallacies, Part 1: Money Management is Secondary and Not Very Important
Fallacies, Part 1: Money Management is Secondary and Not Very Important
  • 2008.05.23
  • Sceptic Philozoff
  • www.mql5.com
The first demonstration of testing results of a strategy based on 0.1 lot is becoming a standard de facto in the Forum. Having received "not so bad" from professionals, a beginner sees that "0.1" testing brings rather modest results and decides to introduce an aggressive money management thinking that positive mathematic expectation automatically provides positive results. Let's see what results can be achieved. Together with that we will try to construct several artificial balance graphs that are very instructive.

More - 

Fallacies, Part 2. Statistics Is a Pseudo-Science, or a Chronicle of Nosediving Bread And Butter

The first part of the article heading is a quotation from the post by SergNF dated April 17, 2008 14:04, https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/108164. Well, even the most strict mathematics turns into a pseudo-science when used by a "researcher" that decides to play with attractive formulas without any practical application.

The skepticism of the quotation author, even moderated with three "smiles", is obvious. The reasons for this are quite clear: the numerous attempts to apply statistical methods to the objective reality, i.e. to financial series, crash when met with the nonstationarity of processes, "fat tails" of accompanying probability distributions, and insufficient volume of financial data. None of the existing market models can be recognized as sufficiently adequate to reality. And even if we manage to find some statistical regularities, the results of their utilization appear to be disproportionate to the efforts invested into their eduction.

In this publication I will try to refer not to the financial series as such, but to their subjective presentation - in this case, to the way a trader tries to halter the series, i.e. to the trading system. The eduction of statistical regularities of the trading results process is a rather enthralling task. In some cases quite true conclusions about the model of this process can be made, and these can be applied to the trading system.