Freelance - Banned


I am banned from freelance service because i applied for a job for a customer who asks to correct a run time error.
The reason of ban is a decompiled code sent by the customer later (after i have applied, not before)

Is this fair?

just create another account, with the same name, then you can make new jobs

Mohammad Soubra:

I am banned from freelance service because i applied for a job for a customer who asks to correct a run time error.
The reason of ban is a decompiled code sent by the customer later (after i have applied, not before)

Is this fair?

Write to the service desk for admins (members of the forum can not help you in this case).


just create another account, with the same name, then you can make new jobs

I know
But i am asking about the concept, if banning will avoid others out side this website to decompile!
In addition, the job should be banned not me
Sergey Golubev:

Write to the service desk for admins (members of the forum can not help you in this case).

I have written but they are not helping

I dont mean by reply, i mean to unban me
They refused, They will not unban me
Is it fair to be banned? I am not a decompiler
Also i am sending them which jobs are using decompiled codes 

Does banning who has not make any mistake will stop others outside to do such illigal operation?

just create another account, with the same name, then you can make new jobs

I will not create another account, I will create my own website to work directly with customers if they have not unbanned me
They are encouraging good developers to deal directly with customers out side this site

I have a waiting customer who will pay 3000$ (300$ commission for mql) and i cannot apply to his job

Oh my god
If not unbanned then i will deal directly with him in neteller or paypal

just create mohammad soubra 2 and get your 3000 :)


just create mohammad soubra 2 and get your 3000 :)

I will not
The concept is to unban who has a good history
I am not a decompiler
I will deal directly with him and i will get the 3000$ with out deducting the 10% of mql 
Service Desk
mrluck012: just create another account, with the same name, then you can make new jobs

Don't be silly again. You can't just create a new username to be a developer because you have to be verified and you have to use your real name!

Mohammad Soubra:
I will not create another account, I will create my own website to work directly with customers if they have not unbanned me
They are encouraging good developers to deal directly with customers out side this site

I have a waiting customer who will pay 3000$ (300$ commission for mql) and i cannot apply to his job

Oh my god
If not unbanned then i will deal directly with him in neteller or paypal