I have an EA with some weird characters, wondering how to translate


So I have this EA that displays weird characters for the options after loading, and also in the source file..

extern int Ìàãèê = 11111;
extern int Òèï_Ëîòà_0_1_2 = 2;
extern double Ïðîñêàëüçûâàíèå = 5.0;
extern double Ëîò = 0.01;
extern bool Óìíîæåíèå_Ëîòà = TRUE;

No idea what is going on there, I've been hired to translate the EA to English and have no experience in mql4. Maybe there is some sort of decryption step missing? 

Or a language pack missing from Windows?

If someone could help me figure this out I'd be grateful. 



Sean Sorrell: So I have this EA that displays weird characters for the options after loading, and also in the source file..

extern int Ìàãèê = 11111;
extern int Òèï_Ëîòà_0_1_2 = 2;
extern double Ïðîñêàëüçûâàíèå = 5.0;
extern double Ëîò = 0.01;
extern bool Óìíîæåíèå_Ëîòà = TRUE;

No idea what is going on there, I've been hired to translate the EA to English and have no experience in mql4. Maybe there is some sort of decryption step missing? 

Or a language pack missing from Windows?

If someone could help me figure this out I'd be grateful. 


That is because the original text file was saved as ANSI instead of UNICODE, but on a PC whose default Code-Page or Regional Settings is different to yours.

If you know what the original Code-Page / Regional Settings are, it can be corrected, but if not it will be a bit of trial and error to find the correct one.

PS! Obviously knowing MQL can help you decipher the meaning or function of some of those variable names!

Fernando Carreiro:

That is because the original text file was saved as ANSI instead of UNICODE, but on a PC whose default Code-Page or Regional Settings is different to yours.

If you know what the original Code-Page / Regional Settings are, it can be corrected, but if not it will be a bit of trial and error to find the correct one.

PS! Obviously knowing MQL can help you decipher the meaning or function of some of those variable names!

THANK YOU!  How would you suggest I go about the trial and error process? 
Sean Sorrell: THANK YOU!  How would you suggest I go about the trial and error process? 

That is a little difficult for me to guess, since I am unable to see the file content, but I would suggest by looking at the following for clues:

  • the file name
  • where it came from
  • looking at the code functionality for clues
  • looking at variable names that are readable

These are just guesses, it requires a little bit of research and investigation ...

Also have a look at your PM Inbox!

Sean Sorrell: THANK YOU!  How would you suggest I go about the trial and error process? 

Seems like it could be Russian using the Cyrillic character set, CodePage "Windows-1251".

extern int Магик = 11111;
extern int Тип_Лота_0_1_2 = 2;
extern double Проскальзывание = 5.0;
extern string ПАРАМЕТРЫ_ЛОТА = "ПАРАМЕТРЫ ЛОТА"; // Translates to "LOT PARAMETERS"
extern double Лот = 0.01;
extern bool Умножение_Лота = TRUE;

just put the weird characters into Google Translate and select Russian in Langages, and voilà ! 

ionone: just put the weird characters into Google Translate and select Russian in Langages, and voilà ! 

No that does not work correctly! For example, the characters "ÍÀ×ÀËÜÍÛÅ ÏÀÐÀÌÅÒÐÛ" with Russian to English Google Translation, would give "HAVING A WAY", when the correct text "НАЧАЛЬНЫЕ ПАРАМЕТРЫ" would give "INITIAL PARAMETERS".

The correct answer has already been given in my previous post and the OP has already resolved the problem.