Bermaui Analysis - page 11


There is 97% probability that US market will drop at May 2018


Gold against Dollar Index.


Is Gold at support level now?



CADCHF Weekly chart, after a long down movement build an Ascending Triangle waiting for breakout. Momentum is to the upside.


Egyptian Stock Market Index EGX30 positive correlation with EURUSD.


10-Year Total Return
Equity ETFs (in US$)



In the short term, EURUSD is moving in a steep downtrend. A Falling Wedge formation appear, waiting for break out.
In the long term EURUSD pass with a correction for its upside trend and have a support around 1.16000.

 Chart 1)

Chart 2)


GBPAUD false break out its Rising Wedge then it changed its movement direction to the downside. Target is around previous support at 1.6000



Weekly gold Bollinger Bands Width haven't been this narrow since 1999:



If dreams is a technical analysis indicator then here is my dream last night..