All opened File Close Functions?


I have two EA that file open very frequently. The 2 EAs are bonded with same files.

The EA reads a file per every 100 ms. and all opened handle has file close function, and error exceptions.

But severals hours from first start, the eas stops and cannot access files.

I want to know there is any function like "FileFree".. etc.

The EA can start well if I inputs the ea into chart again.

There are Resource Free and ZeroMemory.

bool  ResourceFree(
   const string  resource_name      // resource name

void  ZeroMemory(
   void & variable      // reset variable


I am afraid that means you have a bug in your code (most probable).

Anyway it's almost impossible to help without seeing the code. Maybe you should find an other way than opening/closing a file every 100ms from several EAs ?