MACD.2 - Check Cloud


Hey there, i got a little question to this:

Is is possible to check if the "cloud" turns from red to green and the other way around?



Hey there, i got a little question to this:

Is is possible to check if the "cloud" turns from red to green and the other way around?


Of course, why not.

and could you explain how to do that??



and could you explain how to do that??


This cloud is coded with some buffers, you have to monitor these values to check when the swap arrives.

I can't be more precise as I don't have the source code.

//|                                                       MACD-2.mq5 |
//|                      Copyright © 2005, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                               |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2005, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
//--- indicator version
#property version   "1.00"
//--- indicator description
#property description "MACD-2"
//--- drawing the indicator in a separate window
#property indicator_separate_window
//--- number of indicator buffers 4
#property indicator_buffers 4
//--- two plots are used
#property indicator_plots   2
//|  Declaration of constants         |
#define RESET  0 // a constant for returning the indicator recalculation command to the terminal
//|  Parameters of indicator drawing  |
//--- drawing the indicator as a colored cloud
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_FILLING
//--- the following colors are used as the indicator colors
#property indicator_color1  clrLime,clrDeepPink
//--- displaying the indicator label
#property indicator_label1  "MACD_Cloud"
//|  Indicator 2 drawing parameters              |
//--- drawing indicator as a four-color histogram
#property indicator_type2 DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM
//--- colors of the five-color histogram are as follows
#property indicator_color2 clrBrown,clrViolet,clrGray,clrDeepSkyBlue,clrBlue
//--- indicator line is a solid one
#property indicator_style2 STYLE_SOLID
//--- indicator line width is 2
#property indicator_width2 2
//--- displaying the indicator label
#property indicator_label2  "MACD"
//|  Indicator input parameters       |
input uint FastMACD     = 12;
input uint SlowMACD     = 26;
input uint SignalMACD   = 9;
//--- declaration of integer variables for the start of data calculation
int  min_rates_total;
//--- declaration of dynamic arrays that will be used as indicator buffers
double ExtABuffer[],ExtBBuffer[];
double IndBuffer[],ColorIndBuffer[];
//--- declaration of integer variables for the indicators handles
int MACD_Handle;
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- initialization of variables of the start of data calculation
//--- getting the handle of iMACD
      Print(" Failed to get the handle of iMACD");
//--- set dynamic array as an indicator buffer
//--- indexing elements in the buffer as in timeseries
//--- set dynamic array as an indicator buffer
//--- indexing elements in the buffer as in timeseries
//--- set IndBuffer dynamic array as an indicator buffer
//--- indexing elements in the buffer as in timeseries
//--- setting a dynamic array as a color index buffer  
//--- indexing elements in the buffer as in timeseries
//--- shifting the start of drawing of the indicator
//--- shifting the start of drawing of the indicator
//--- creation of the name to be displayed in a separate sub-window and in a pop up help
//--- determining the accuracy of the indicator values
//--- initialization end
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,    // number of bars in history at the current tick
                const int prev_calculated,// amount of history in bars at the previous tick
                const datetime &Time[],
                const double &Open[],
                const double &High[],
                const double &Low[],
                const double &Close[],
                const long &Tick_Volume[],
                const long &Volume[],
                const int &Spread[])
//--- checking if the number of bars is enough for the calculation
   if(BarsCalculated(MACD_Handle)<rates_total || rates_total<min_rates_total) return(RESET);
//--- declarations of local variables
   int to_copy,limit;
//--- calculation of the 'limit' starting index for the bars recalculation loop
   if(prev_calculated>rates_total || prev_calculated<=0)// Checking for the first start of the indicator calculation
      limit=rates_total-min_rates_total-1; // Starting index for calculation of all bars
   else limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;  // starting index for calculation of new bars only  
//--- copy newly appeared data in the arrays
   if(CopyBuffer(MACD_Handle,MAIN_LINE,0,to_copy,ExtABuffer)<=0) return(RESET);
   if(CopyBuffer(MACD_Handle,SIGNAL_LINE,0,to_copy,ExtBBuffer)<=0) return(RESET);
//--- main indicator calculation loop
   for(int bar=limit; bar>=0 && !IsStopped(); bar--)
   if(prev_calculated>rates_total || prev_calculated<=0) limit--;
//--- Main loop of the Ind indicator coloring
   for(int bar=limit; bar>=0 && !IsStopped(); bar--)
      int clr=2;
         if(IndBuffer[bar]>IndBuffer[bar+1]) clr=4;
         if(IndBuffer[bar]<IndBuffer[bar+1]) clr=3;
         if(IndBuffer[bar]<IndBuffer[bar+1]) clr=0;
         if(IndBuffer[bar]>IndBuffer[bar+1]) clr=1;
this is the code, could you explain?