Signal - Equity chart very important but often very bad quality. Please imporove it!


Hi all, hi team!

It's very pitty that the equity chart, which is most important, often is of a very bad quality. Here are some examples:

Here you cannot see anything because it starts at 0. I have no idea how it was possible...

very bad equity chart

In another case of a signal at the growth-tab it was shown that the signal worked since Nov-2011, but the equity chart was only from today. And I do not know how the "Max DD by equity" is calculated to 1.02%.

Here one more example:


The charts (both, equity and growth chart) should be calculated in the same way "stock split". Example: Even there have been a stock split with Apple Computers, you will never see the state before (blue chart) but always only the cleaned up chart (red). In the same way "Deposits" and "Withdrawals" have to be handled.

If you handle Deposits" and "Withdrawals" in this way, I think also that the growth chart is useless. Only equity chart is real chart. For me it's more interesting a chart of equity + volume (in Lots per Equity). It would show how risky the signal was: