prevent broker to send MT4 on android

There is in my android phone MT4 application.I use my metaquotes demo account, however some broker send me messages.I do not this. I do not want to broker send me messages or email to me on Android MT4. I sent email and told to him to not send me message. But they still send to my android MT4. I want to prevent him.To not send me messages any.How can i do this?
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Do you have a account with them ?

Marco vd Heijden:

Do you have a account with them ?

yes i have. but i don't open this account on my phone. I only use this account on my computer. how they can send message to my android phone? in my phone there is only metaquotes demo account.


Maybe its a setting in your profile look under notifications, as well as under trading accounts.

At some point there has to be a connection somewhere.


Terminal MT4 =>

Go to tool > notifications

Marco vd Heijden:

Maybe its a setting in your profile look under notifications, as well as under trading accounts.

At some point there has to be a connection somewhere.

I have an account at this broker.but i do not use this broker account. There is not MT4 open with my account at this broker and I don't use this broker MT4. My metaquotes demo account number is 16650549 and i registered this demo account with my real name and surname.So i think this broker send to me messages by my real name and surname.Because they know my real name and surname and other ID card informations.


i am bored from broker messages. please help me.i said to broker "do not send me messages "  but they did not do what I said to him.

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