efficient market hypothesis is really true?

the guy who created this theory won a nobel prize on this, but warren buffet is totally against it, so what side is true? 

The side that works for you.

(Have you found it yet?.....)

so what's your opinion, efficient market hypothesis is true or false? ( i myself think its false)


The only thing that comes to my mind is waste of time.

You seem to be a professional.


saying it's a waste of time is the same to say that you do believe that the theory is false, and so the market is inefficient,  because

it has passed more than a hundred years and no final proof, so what you mean by the waste of time, is to prove either side, wich i agree, 

but follow this path- believing EMH is wrong- is also sad because you admit that economy academics are retarded, because almost all of them believe EMH is true 


You asked for my opinion, and now you start to argue about it, as usual.

Because this is all you ever do.

What if trading was as simple as learning to ride a bike?

You open up an account, practice for some da... time, and off you go....

No indicators, no education, no theories, no predicting the future, no nothing, just the click of a button.

But not you, nope, you have to talk endlessly about running all indicators with all setting, about predicting the future, about education, about this and that theory, about anything that you find on the net, or that comes to your conditioned mind.

But let me repeat it, it's a waste of time.

Grab the bike and start trying, or tell me what are you here for?

Because obviously it's not because you want to trade and make money, of that i am sure by now.

What's next?

The self training neuro net's, or the Elliott wave theory?

I am sure that you are going to open up a new topic, or poll with some new (useless) ideas, just to abandon it at some point and repeat the cycle.

But when are you going to open a trade to find all the answers that you are looking for ?

Discover what works in stead of asking someone's opinion, which is a waste of time (3x)


so your advice is don't think just act, great but no


so your advice is don't think just act, great but no

Can you, please, elaborate a bit how does your thinking about "efficient market hypothesis" makes you a better trader, helps you earn more money, minimizes your losses?

Also, what is your argumentation for considering "efficient market hypothesis" false? 


if a person believes EMH is true, then he should only buy indexes because there is no edge over the market, as the price is already and always correct, it's impossible to find 

inefficiencies, so if its proven true, then really everyone here is wasting time, what i'm looking for is a person who believes EMH is wrong, and explain to me why he thinks that


It's not true or false.

It's buy and sell.

So yes my advice is act.

If you are not in the market, you won't be making money.

It's simple, but you can of course make it as complex as you wish.


if a person believes EMH is true, then he should only buy indexes because there is no edge over the market, as the price is already and always correct, it's impossible to find 

inefficiencies, so if its proven true, then really everyone here is wasting time, what i'm looking for is a person who believes EMH is wrong, and explain to me why he thinks that

OK, this is too heavy for me.

My intellectual capacity is limited and I can't even begin to grasp the depth of your dilemma. But it certainly looks very, very deep.