How to withdraw deposited Money from this site


Hello Everyone,

I would like to withdraw my deposited money from this Mql5 site but if i click Withdraw from account, its showing thisbelow error 

Withdrawal unavailable: 

  1. no earned money on your account 
  2. verified user status required

Thanks for your help

So, verify your account

SO how ?


SO how ?

Just you can click on that link above ...
  1. verified user status required
  1. no earned money on your account 

Deposited money is not earned money. 

I guess it helps to ask the Service Desk.

But I have been looked to your profile
You have 45 jobs till now .. but you are a customer
So, what you want to withdraw? You are the payer!

Hello Everyone,

I would like to withdraw my deposited money from this Mql5 site but if i click Withdraw from account, its showing thisbelow error 

Withdrawal unavailable: 

  1. no earned money on your account 
  2. verified user status required

Thanks for your help

You can only withdraw money earned on this website, from completed jobs if you are a coder, or signal subscriptions if you are a signal provider.

You can't withdraw money that you have deposited into your account.


I guess once you become a verified seller there will be no problem in withdrawing your money, but the best way to answer your question is to create a support ticket so that you can be guided accordingly regarding your concern.

Angelito Cartagena:

I guess once you become a verified seller there will be no problem in withdrawing your money, but the best way to answer your question is to create a support ticket so that you can be guided accordingly regarding your concern.

This is incorrect.

Marco vd Heijden:

This is incorrect.

As you can see I wrote the word "I guess" and suggesting to write to support, its just an opinion I am not saying its the right thing. You are mod of this forum I think you are in the proper position to say what is the real score of the thread starter concern, I believe that moderators are here to moderate posts and also help clarify things regarding inquiries from members. So sir, what is the right thing about this matter? 


You can not withdraw deposited money, and you can not withdraw deposited money after registering as a verified seller.