Strategy tester slowing down during backtesting


From the dairies of the worlds worst programmer

So I run the attached code through strategy tester Yet every time I do it slows down each pass just a little bit more. Initially I could do a non-visual test in under 10 minutes. Now it takes an hour. As for using the optimizer, well given up on that.

Iv'e search the forum and haven't really understood the answers given elsewhere. Although i suspect it's probably reflective of my coding ability.

I run a AMD 4.0G eight core processor with 16GB RAM on a windows 10 64-bit.

My back testing is done with Birts Tick Data suite. Test days from 01/01/12 to current. I've been testing EURUSD, EURJPY, GBPJPY, GBPUSD, USDJPY  and EURGBP.

Thanks in advance - Bob