This forum layout isn't efficient... - page 2


I think it's fine.

Marco vd Heijden:

I think it's fine.

To be fair you are both a mod and a vendor so there's a definite bias. Have you used any modern day sites? How about a modern-day well organized forum or what about sites like stackoverflow? This is a site by the vendor (MQ) to support an entire language and host a codebase but there's no repositories for version control??? I guess we can add that to the bucket list, but what really should be a feature right now is something as simple as a way to subscribe to threads and a way to catch up without having to have the alerts pushed to your phone or email. There's so many professional features lacking, yet I'm only commenting about something that could easily be changed without a substantial investment in new tech...  which is... Create some categories that make sense --and for gosh sake separate all the newbie/free-loader questions from the quality content. After-all, what is the job of a moderator anyway? Beat-down newbies and sell apps or moderate (organize) the discussion in a helpful way? 


Saying that there is a bias is definitely a bias.

What i do is remove spam, advertisement, and decompiled code.

I joined this board long time ago and i like it, i can not think of anything to improve it.

If you are not happy with it feel free to go somewhere else.

Nobody is forcing you to come here.

You are full of (false) assumptions and i am not even thinking about going into discussion with you.

The board is fine, just my personal opinion.


Posts to suggest, I suggest a moderator in the Hispanic Forum...i'm tired of making moderator without being and report every day spam, advertising, etc.



I agree with you that the forum is not organized very well. That is why there are so many topics posted in the wrong sections.

You have referred to overly hostile moderators more than once. I am not aware of any hostile moderators on this forum.

Newbie coders will usually receive help if they put in some effort to learn to code and show us their attempts.

But if they simply post "I want an EA that opens trades when x crosses y and both RSI and Stochastic is showing overbought or oversold".

There is no question there and so they will often be directed to freelance.

Keith Watford:


I agree with you that the forum is not organized very well. That is why there are so many topics posted in the wrong sections.

You have referred to overly hostile moderators more than once. I am not aware of any hostile moderators on this forum.

Newbie coders will usually receive help if they put in some effort to learn to code and show us their attempts.

But if they simply post "I want an EA that opens trades when x crosses y and both RSI and Stochastic is showing overbought or oversold".

There is no question there and so they will often be directed to freelance.

Fair enough... and perhaps I should have been more specific because I didn't intend to have my comments come across like a sweeping generalization that all mods are hostile, however, there are mods (I won't name names) that consistently come across as arrogant/condescending/hostile. My apologies if I've offended you. 


And not to forget so called "programmers"  who can't correct simple syntax errors.

That's the sign of basic software development incompetency and first thing those "developers" must do is to go through some basic programming course.

I don't understand that mindset - they are trying to write a code that should manage their's money.
It's like homemade surgery - cut yourself open, ask for the advice along the way and hope for the best.

When you try to point that out, they usually get offended. 

Is it hostile if you tell them they need to learn a bit more or to hire a freelancer before they lose the money?

Drazen Penic:

And not to forget so called "programmers"  who can't correct simple syntax errors.

That's the sign of basic software development incompetency and first thing those "developers" must do is to go through some basic programming course.

I don't understand that mindset - they are trying to write a code that should manage their's money.
It's like homemade surgery - cut yourself open, ask for the advice along the way and hope for the best.

When you try to point that out, they usually get offended. 

Is it hostile if you tell them they need to learn a bit more or to hire a freelancer before they lose the money?

Exactly why we need a newbie section. 

Fair enough... and perhaps I should have been more specific because I didn't intend to have my comments come across like a sweeping generalization that all mods are hostile, however, there are mods (I won't name names) that consistently come across as arrogant/condescending/hostile. My apologies if I've offended you. 

Please name them ?

About your topic, you can talk here about the forum layout if you want, everyone is free.

Though as long time members of this community (WHRoeder and some others including me) we know there is great chance (99%) that Metaquotes will not be aware of this discussion. And even a greater chance (99.9%) they will not care about it. If you want a chance to be heard you need to use the right communication channel, so yes talking about the forum layout here is just a waste of time.

Exactly why we need a newbie section. 

No, we don't.

Two years ago I too thought that older members are a bit too rude with newbies.

Then I started answering on forum, and after 2 months I too became rude because when you 100th time answer the same question, it gets a bit too much.
I presume I'm too lazy to create canned answers like whroeder1 does.  People complain about him, but he gives correct answers each time somebody asks a meaningful question. 

People who are too lazy to do the search on the documentation site or in the help file in the editor do not deserve help. Why should we do their's homework?

Besides that, any self-respecting forum kicks out users who don't do a search and repeatedly ask same questions over and over again. Basic forum etiquette.

Newbies are fine, but flooding forum with, for example, questions about error 13x is just rude behavior. Do the freaking search and read the answers, before you ask something asked and answered dozens of times.