How can a signal that has been connected to MQL5 signal database for the last 15 days only, ranked No1 of all MT4 signals ?


A signal that has been connected to MQL5 signal database only for the last 15 days, has been ranked No1 of all MT4 signals in the website.

Is this logical and right for a signal that shows a 9,56% drawdown, but this DD its only the result of these 15 days, that has been connected to MQL5 ?


Regardless this signal or any other signals as I don't like to talk about anyone but ...
People always love the flashy things and love to dream that they will become millionaire in just days and weeks , all my years in forex I always see things like this and see those people who actually love to fall in this and it's only matter of time to start crying >> all flashy things gone and other start to appear and so on


When you compare it to a 38% drawdown then yes.


Regardless this signal or any other signals as I don't like to talk about anyone but ...
People always love the flashy things and love to dream that they will become millionaire in just days and weeks , all my years in forex I always see things like this and see those people who actually love to fall in this and it's only matter of time to start crying >> all flashy things gone and other start to appear and so on

I agree Johnny, but what you mention is at the heart of the problem.

Why every 2-3 months all the top signals change and the previous top ones, have destroyed former subscribers accounts?

Maybe that phenomenon, reflects a problem with MQL5 signal system and its ranking formula.

MQL5 members shouldn't be guided towards "flushy" signals with extra-terrestrial profits and fake drawdowns*, but to more solid strategies, that has been connected to MQL5 signal database from the very beginning.

fake drawdowns*: the drawdown of a signal that has a long multi-month or mulit-year history, but its drawdown value, reflects only the small period, that has been connected to MQL5 signal database.

Marco vd Heijden:

When you compare it to a 38% drawdown then yes.

What a 38% drawdown, has to do with anything, Marco?

I am not comparing it to my signal, I am only saying that its not right, the MQL5 signal ranking formula to place a signal with almost 2 years of history and only 15 days of real DD value, in No1 place of all MT4 signals.


Just a few minutes ago, the above mentioned signal, had all its growth and profit results, changed (by MQL5 system) to more down to earth ones.

So, I had some point in what I was saying ...

Its still on the 1st place of all MT4 signals, though.


how can i see the list of all the ranking for signals

Azeez Ishola:

how can i see the list of all the ranking for signals