my backtest runs faster and then slow down


When I run backtest, it is very fast at the begining but as it progress like after 50%, it starts slowing down coming to a crawl

what is the problem? coding or I need to zeromemory all my variables? 


When I run backtest, it is very fast at the begining but as it progress like after 50%, it starts slowing down coming to a crawl

what is the problem? coding or I need to zeromemory all my variables? 

Which start/end dates, symbols ?
Which start/end dates, symbols ?


year 2011 feb 1 to 2014 feb 1 



year 2011 feb 1 to 2014 feb 1 

Either a coding issue in your EA, or maybe the volume (tick count) is increasing after a given date ?
Either a coding issue in your EA, or maybe the volume (tick count) is increasing after a given date ?
No problem if I use olhc price. Only every tick has this issue.

Do I need to use zeromemory?

when you get the results look at the quality of tick history if it is bad  at some where in that interval (if there are green and red areas) may be that causes this situation, may be you should try to use an other server and downlod data again.

and do you use cloud or local agents? I experienced some slowing down in cloud. (I guess when the faster agents finish their tasks, the slower agents left still proccessing and that generates a slowing down)


am running the backtest on my pc, not doing optimizing

Im using data from my broker and re-download the data is still the same


btw, re download the data means I go to the folder to delete which file?


some new information

I suspect using MqlRates or ArrayMaximum / ArrayMinimum will cause a huge slow down in the strategy tester.

Is there alternative for ArrayMaximum / ArrayMinimum? 


some new information

I suspect using MqlRates or ArrayMaximum / ArrayMinimum will cause a huge slow down in the strategy tester.

Is there alternative for ArrayMaximum / ArrayMinimum? 

Show the code where you are using ArrayMaximum / ArrayMinimum, so we can see if there is an alternative.
Show the code where you are using ArrayMaximum / ArrayMinimum, so we can see if there is an alternative.
   double   Bar_Close[];

   ArraySetAsSeries(Bar_Close, true);

   if(CopyClose(Symbol(), 0, 0, HL_Prd, Bar_Close) <= 0) return;

   Bar_Close[ArrayMinimum(Bar_Close, 0, HL_Prd)]

this is the sample code

once i start to insert calling arraymaximum or arrayminimum then the testing slows down alot 


this is the sample code

once i start to insert calling arraymaximum or arrayminimum then the testing slows down alot 

What is the value of HL_Prd ? Are you executing this on each tick ?