what the traders give in retribution to the market? - page 2


to Marco: 

So do you think forex is a game not a business?


Hot is just less Cold but it is essentially, the same thing.

Whether you burn yourself will depend on your ability to control the temperature.


every game consist in turns, by the end of the turn, there is a winner side and loser side, and the winner will decrease what the loser side put on the table, but in a business 

things are very different, there isn't turns, and not winner or loser, because everybody wins, and you add a new product on the table. Why this matter? because a game is 

more difficult to play than a business, because you have to outsmart your competitors, but on a business just being different can do the job, everybody can win, and its easier

Your answer was that the answer is subjective, but my question is, in objective terms, trading forex is a game or a business? 


I think you should:


 be out and never look back

And start a business.

Because it also requires a specific mindset.

You do not win the lottery by buying the winning ticket, you win the lottery by bending the universe of a winner around yourself.


i think it makes all the difference, if forex is just a game, i would be out and never look back, because then one could say forex= cassino, because in  all games there is only 1 winner

in the end

Actually I agree with Marco, it just does not matter what it is. Your job as a trader is to manage risk while squeezing some profit out of the market. 

However, there is one things for sure: Trading is a negative sum game. Therefore most of the market participants will eventually lose money and only a minority of them will triumph and survive in the process.

So, welcome to the world class professional sport arena the moment you put your money on the table. May the best man win! :)

thank you all for answer