Outsmarting mql5 and make profit


Hello Community,

Who likes thinking out of the box and make real money through it?
I have an idea how to bypass the frames of mql5 and yet be able to test any EA which is actually modelling a strategy for binary options.

Aim is to make a learning tool and later further develop into something like semi-automatic to give a guide-line of how to trade the binary option 60 seconds and above TMF's for real profit.

I code mql5 and build EA's, indicators, etc but still far away from being pro since I lack the many years of experience you might have. Did not start long time ago.

If anyone would mind to help or partner I am sure this will bring profit. (Which we can share.) 

Not mentioning how many trader we could help, since a working binary option strategy and EA is good for scalping as well.
I am more then excellent and experienced in sales so I can sell what I make... 
(20 years in sales and training others too. Any level, any type of sales. Wish I had same skills and experience in coding, he he Lol.)

Maybe you code like crazy but suck at sales?!
Here comes your opportunity.

Get in touch! ;-)
