Can not use Freelance Service last 2 days. - page 3

Alain Verleyen:
Do not post decompiled code or you will be banned.
Sorry it was only for illustration purposes

They are continuing to ban developers accounts as if they wouldn't need them to make money and cash in commissions.

It's getting ridiculous.

My account got banned because I placed a bid on a job where the customer asked for some code modification.

The job description didn't mentioned if the customer had the source code or not.

To the job it wasn't attached any code at all.

In private no code was sent by the customer.

Assuming he has the source code and wants it modified, I applied in good faith with the intent to help if the job would NOT go against site's policies.

Despite all that, the admins saw my application as enough proof that I would engage in illegal practices or activities forbidden on this platform.

To highlight the absurdity of the situation, I reiterate:

1. the customer did not specify he had source code or not 

2. the job description had no code attached

3. no code was sent in private

This is an excerpt of what they looked at and decided on.

Apparently "unlock" is the key word and they don't care much of the context.

As if "unlock" can only mean decompile, even in cases when the customer has the source code and doesn't know how to modify it himself.

At this point, I was literally punished for intent under the assumption that the job WILL involve decompiled code, despite the fact that no code was attached YET.

Did you get that?

Punished for something I have not done yet for something that may never happen, under an assumption based on lack of proof.

The fact that no code was attached is misconstrued somehow in a meta-logic of their own as enough proof that some decompiled code will be somehow involved.

That's an over reach and an overstretch, even for them.

It seems that the "Minority Report" days  have come.

Now we're getting punished for thing we haven't done yet, under the assumption we will do them as they anticipate, without having any actual proof the policy was infringed yet.

That's utterly absurd.

Coders beware - you can get in deep trouble even if you have no intention of engaging in unsanctioned activities.

The ignorance of newcomers will put you in harms way and the admins are not concerned a bit with your well being.

Minimal if any efforts are made in order to protect your interests, or so it seems.

My repeated pleas fell on deaf ears.

Got nothing back from Service Desk in the way of at least acknowledging the fact that my argument is valid or not.

They make a decision and they stick with it even if it's absurd and illogical.

Don't bid on ambiguous job descriptions.

Don't bid on job that involve code modification and you can't see the code.

Don't bid on jobs posted by newcomers.

Ignorance will hurt you, even if you have no fault of your own.

This is what may happen if you rely too much on making money in somebody else's backyard.

They can kick you out whenever they please for any reason they deem valid, and you can do nothing about it.


Yes well... 'Need to unlock it for unlimited use' is pretty clear to me.

What else did you have in mind?

Sergey Golubev:

Just for information:

How can I recognize a decompiled code ? (the thread)


And those are few examples (below) of decompiled code:

Mr Sergey, this is strange, when I code my own indicators and EAs, I have always been using underscore and number to differentiate some variable with the same name which but in different function()

example if I want to name a variable integer, I could name it: iNum_line_1

for Function/Method I could name it: _Do_Action(){} or _DoAction(){}

could this be taken as a decompiled file but I'm the owner of the file !!

Chris Mukengeshayi:

Mr Sergey, this is strange, when I code my own indicators and EAs, I have always been using underscore and number to differentiate some variable with the same name which but in different function()

example if I want to name a variable integer, I could name it: iNum_line_1

for Function/Method I could name it: _Do_Action(){} or _DoAction(){}

could this be taken as a decompiled file but I'm the owner of the file !!

It is not difficult to recognize about the following: the code was decompiled or not.
If you were writing the code by yourself so it is not decompiled.

I am not a coder but it is not a difficult for me to evaluate the code to the following:

  • this is the normal code;
  • this is decompiled code;
  • this code was decompiled but modified after to look like a normal one.

So, please, do not complicate this subject :)

Sergey Golubev:

It is not difficult to recognize about the following: the code was decompiled or not.
If you were writing the code by yourself so it is not decompiled.

I am not a coder but it is not a difficult for me to evaluate the code to the following:

  • this is the normal code;
  • this is decompiled code;
  • this code was decompiled but modified after to look like a normal one.

So, please, do not complicate this subject :)

Alright thanks.

But don't you think may be the MQL admin should may be add a delay time to approve when a customer want to post a job, by may be evaluate the customer job request file and get back to him saying you can not post a job because the following file which you have posted seems to be a decompiled file. Only when a source code file has been approved then a job can be posted in public for developer?

I think it will be a great functionality to have on the site.

its just an idea to try resolving some conflict.

I think I have read before about when someone want to sell a product on the market, the admin will investigate the product and get back to the seller by either approving his product to be sold, I not to sure.

Chris Mukengeshayi:

Alright thanks.

But don't you think may be the MQL admin should may be add a delay time to approve when a customer want to post a job, by may be evaluate the customer job request file and get back to him saying you can not post a job because the following file which you have posted seems to be a decompiled file. Only when a source code file has been approved then a job can be posted in public for developer?

I think it will be a great functionality to have on the site.

its just an idea to try resolving some conflict.

I think I have read before about when someone want to sell a product on the market, the admin will investigate the product and get back to the seller by either approving his product to be sold, I not to sure.

I do not know ... this idea is for the servic desk (they are moderating the Market).
As to decompillation ... people are pressing Complain link writing about decompiled code attached, admins are checking it, and so on ...

People reported ... 

Chris Mukengeshayi:

Alright thanks.

But don't you think may be the MQL admin should may be add a delay time to approve when a customer want to post a job, by may be evaluate the customer job request file and get back to him saying you can not post a job because the following file which you have posted seems to be a decompiled file. Only when a source code file has been approved then a job can be posted in public for developer?

I think it will be a great functionality to have on the site.

its just an idea to try resolving some conflict.

I think I have read before about when someone want to sell a product on the market, the admin will investigate the product and get back to the seller by either approving his product to be sold, I not to sure.

No, no and no. A freelancer which :

1° Take part to a job without checking the attached files

2° and/or is not able to recognize decompiled code

Deserve a ban and that's all. Metaquotes has a lot of thing to improve but certainly not that. The customer and the freelancer are responsible of what they are doing.

Sergey Golubev:

I do not know ... this idea is for the servic desk (they are moderating the Market).
As to decompillation ... people are pressing Complain link writing about decompiled code attached, admins are checking it, and so on ...

People reported ... 

Alright thanks

Alain Verleyen:

No, no and no. A freelancer which :

1° Take part to a job without checking the attached files

2° and/or is not able to recognize decompiled code

Deserve a ban and that's all. Metaquotes has a lot of thing to improve but certainly not that. The customer and the freelancer are responsible of what they are doing.

Alright Thanks


I have a question, a week ago I was banned because i have send a link to my product on the market to the customer. Now I understand it was not ok to do that. I talked with the service desk and they told me will lift the ban

so they did, I can send messages but can not apply for new jobs. Am I banned forever or not and if not for how long.