Does Scalping Require Attention?


Scalping demands a lot more attention from the trader in comparison to other styles such as swing-trading, or trend following. A typical scalper will open and close tens, and in some cases, more than a hundred positions in an ordinary trading day, and since none of the positions can be allowed to suffer great losses (so that we can protect the bottom line), the scalper cannot afford to be careful about some, and negligent about some of his positions. It may appear to be a formidable task at first sight, but scalping can be an involving, even fun trading style once the trader is comfortable with his practices and habits. Still, it is clear that attentiveness and strong concentration skills are necessary for the successful forex scalper. One does not need to be born equipped with such talents, but practice and commitment to achieve them are indispensable if a trader has any serious intention of becoming a real scalper.

Traders who do scalping requires discipline. Trader should take advantage of trading conditions given by ECN broker because they release scalping traders trading without any restrictions. As in Vipro market, broker provides also minimum deposit of only $ 25 for this type of account ECN

You right, scalping need good account performance from good broker too.

I totaly recommended using mini stp account from Mayzus, its totally reputable broker and good in execution.


YES scalping is a speed trading strategy, it requires high levels of focus and good mind set and a good broker as well. imagine when scalping there is little time to think and big margines for error so one has to be focused all the time..


Yes scalping is more likely to require attention more than all the other strategies, since you are aiming for profits using time time intervals, you will need to be attentive and sharp to drive on your pips either than that you are not scalping .