Can you say forex is gambling? - page 10

It can feel like it though if you can't keep your emotions in check.
I won't call forex gambling, but some people can gamble in forex when they just pick trades without a strategy or analysis.
i prefer "high risk speculation to forex gambling"
driving a car is a gambling to u can crush anytime to pervent that u need to go to driving school learn how to handle a situation.
trading is risky always, i recommend everybody put only 50 or 100 euro into accounts and try to make them big if you can not dont put more because human tend to always risk everything what he have in account, so if you want to be smart just dont deposit to much that will already  help a lot
Absolutely not, you have all the risk management tools at your fingertips which is not quite the same in gambling. But of-course Forex is a high risk market because it ain't easy but gambling is a wrong word to describe it unless you are blindly just opening and closing position. In which case that might be called gambling or some version of binary trading.

Trading is business. How to grow your business depends on the efficiency of your "edge" in the long run.

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trading is risky always, i recommend everybody put only 50 or 100 euro into accounts and try to make them big if you can not dont put more because human tend to always risk everything what he have in account, so if you want to be smart just dont deposit to much that will already  help a lot

it is precisely because people think that 50 or 100 euro can be easily "flipped" and it is precisely because of the undercapitalization and the expectation of unrealistic returns that one fails in this business.
So yes, if you follow this advice, you are completely back into gambling.