Can you say forex is gambling? - page 7

I think it’s gambling only when you don’t know what you are doing 
Judy Mank:

Joshua Brown, vice president of investments in a renowned New York asset-management firm once said that the forex from his perspective is too risk fraught for an individual investor to engage in preferring to label forex trading as gambling with retail investors in ignorance throwing money into traders who rely more on luck than ability. But this rather sounds amusing to me because if really forex was just about luck and chance; could it boast such renowned universal liquidity? If forex was about luck, how many betting sites or companies daily boast a daily turnover amounting to trillions of dollars? Very impossibly, that forex entails a level of uncertainty doesn’t in any way discredit its credibility. Forex is way off cheap gambling. I humbly disagree with this high authority when it comes to the commodity market, he is very wrong in this forex is no gambling, it is very far from a business of chance. The reasons there are very obvious, what do you think about this, do you agree with him or me on this case

Forex market can be very volatile. It is a risky market. However, Forex trading is never gambling. If a trader trades with proper money management, discipline, and with solid strategies, it should be considered as a business. A trader will be able to generate consistent income if he gives right effort towards trading.
Forex is not gambling. It is a business. However, many traders do not deal with it as a business. Thus, they end up losing money in this business by using high leverage, big trading lot, going against market trend, etc. This market is the largest financial market. Even by not knowing anything a trader may make money for a week or two.  It may make some people think it is gambling.

People can waste lots of money on a game that is not a casino. Not to mention a real one. I like gambling, but that's just irresponsible. On this occasion, I'd like to share a good article by this link

If you don't know what you're doing then it's gambling
Anything that caries a risk is gambling. Crossing the road is gambling. But most people are happy to cross the road because they know the risks and rewards and can mitigate the risks by looking both ways before crossing the road. Same applies to forex, know your risk/reward before entering a trade and mitigate the risk by doing research.
Forex is gambling if you trade it like a casino.
Life is gambling also Life is business too .
Well, this is a rather generalized opinion, everything is not so straightforward, and in all areas you need to act in different ways.

Mining. Bitcoin mining is gambling. A real casino. A russian roulette. Trading is not.